
Vectorworks 2024 Update 5 MVR Precision Import Improvements

The fifth update of the Vectorworks Spotlight brings greater precision of fixture coordinates during the MVR import process for more efficient information exchange.

Posted May 15, 2024  ‐ Categories: MVR, Vectorworks

More efficent workflow for grandMA3, Vectorworks and Depence on the AFC Asian Cup Opening Ceremony

Light Sound Journal reports on the opening ceremony of the AFC Asian Cup at the Lusail Stadium in Doha, Qatar in the Full grandMA3 offensive at AFC Asian Cup Opening Ceremony article and mentions how the entire workflow between various pieces of software was being made more efficient by utilizing GDTF and MVR.

Posted May 3, 2024  ‐ Categories: MA Lighting, Vectorworks, MVR, GDTF

Vectorworks 2024 Update 4 GDTF 2D Symbols Improvements

The newly released fourth update of the Vectorworks 2024, Spotlight adds the ability to import 2D symbols from GDTF files, further improving the GDTF workflow.

Posted March 14, 2024  ‐ Categories: GDTF, Vectorworks

Vectorworks 2024 Update 2 Improves GDTF in Vision

Vectorworks announced release of its second update for the Vectorworks 2024 product line, delivering an array of performance improvements aimed at enhancing the overall quality of the product line. For Vision users, this update brings even better support for GDTF files. Now, they can enjoy seamless compatibility with glTF/glb-backed GDTF files, and GDTF-based conventional fixtures can be focused and saved directly within the Vision platform.

Posted November 26, 2023  ‐ Categories: GDTF, Vectorworks

DIN SPEC 15801:2023-12 My Virtual Rig (MVR) Released

GDTF and MVR founders - MA Lighting, Vectorworks, and Robe Lighting have published press release about the final availability of the MVR 1.6 recognized as DIN SPEC 15801.

Posted November 13, 2023  ‐ Categories: MVR, MA Lighting, Vectorworks, Robe Lighting

MVR workflow from Vectorworks into Augment3D

Patrick Immel has published a series of videos where he goes through the complete process of creating a light plot, utilizing the MVR workflow to go from Vectorworks 24 to ETC Augment3D.

Posted November 8, 2023  ‐ 1 min read  ‐ Categories: MVR, Vectorworks

Recording of the 'Streamline Your Process with GDTF & MVR' webinar

If you did not manage to watch live the Vectorworks organized webinar with Brandon Eckstorm about using GDTF and MVR inside Vectorworks and Vision, organized at the end of September, you can watch the video recording.

Posted October 23, 2023  ‐ 1 min read  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, Vectorworks

Vectorworks: Streamline Your Process with GDTF & MVR

In this free webinar on Wednesday, September 27, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET, Brandon Eckstorm, lighting and production designer, will show you how GDTF & MVR is changing the game in the entertainment industry. You’ll also learn how to use GDTF and MVR with your favorite design and visualization software: Vectorworks Spotlight and Vision. You can register here.

Posted September 23, 2023  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, Vectorworks

Where GDTF, MVR and OpenUSD meet: Creating Immersive Events with OpenUSD and Digital Twins

NVIDIA is featuring a story about the amazing work of Moment Factory, who has been combining the power of the OpenUSD with Omniverse together with MVR and GDTF, forming a digital twin of a real-world environment. Read on for details on how they utilize Epic Games Unreal Engine, Blender, Adobe Photoshop and Vectorworks for the immersive simulation in the Omniverse.

Posted September 12, 2023  ‐ Categories: Vectorworks, MVR, GDTF, OpenUSD

AJ Pen On Communication Through Illustration: 'The Book' For 'My Chemical Romance' reunion tour

In this webcast recording, AJ Pen shares his knowledge and practical tips (including MVR and his 'book' concept) that enable him and his team to turn the abstract of the design into a wonderful show.

Posted August 4, 2023  ‐ 2 min read  ‐ Categories: Vectorworks, MVR, Capture, Robe Lighting

MVR instrumental at Eurovision Song Contest 2023 design

The TPi magazine has published an interesting, detailed writeup on desigining the Eurovision Song Contest 2023, including mention on how MVR has allowed the team to efficiently distribute and coordinate design changes between Vectorworks, gMA3, and Depence.

Posted July 17, 2023  ‐ Categories: MVR, Vectorworks, MA Lighting

Recording of the Unreal Engine & Vectorworks for Live Events Webinar

If you did not manage to watch live the Vectorworks organized webinar with Patrick Wambold of EPIC Games about using Unreal Engine for live events, you can watch the video recording.

Posted May 10, 2023  ‐ 1 min read  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, Unreal Engine, Vectorworks

Unreal Engine & Vectorworks for Live Events - Webinar

Webinar with Patrick Wambold, Senior Solution Architect at Epic Games. Wednesday, April 19, 2:00pm ET. Register here.

Posted April 18, 2023  ‐ 1 min read  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, Unreal Engine, Vectorworks

Vectorworks: Your Guide to Getting Started with GDTF and MVR for Lighting Design

Vectorworks has published a blog post about getting started with GDTF and MVR.

Posted December 1, 2022  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, Vectorworks

Matt Geasey Speeds Workflow with GDTF & MVR

Vectorworks and Matthew Geasey of Clear All Visuals have published an article on how GDTF and MVR has changed their approach to creative work and how they manage to utilize GDTF and MVR for a fast, fluid collaborative workflow with both offline and online participants.

Posted August 1, 2022  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, Vectorworks