Annex A, Attribute Definitions

Attribute definitions

Annex A. (normative) Attribute Definitions

To describe the fixture types attributes are used. Attributes define the function. (n) and (m) are wildcards for the enumeration of attributes like Gobo(n) - Gobo1 and Gobo2 or VideoEffect(n)Parameter(m) - VideoEffect1Parameter1 and VideoEffect1Parameter2. Fixture Type Attributes without wildcards (n) or (m) are not enumerated. The enumeration starts with 1. The currently defined Fixture Type Attributes are specified in table A1.

Note 1: The predefined Fixture Type Attributes are the preferred to use Fixture Type Attribute. At any time user defined attributes can be introduced as well.

Table A1. Structure of Attribute and Subattribute

DimmerControls the intensity of a fixture.
PanControls the fixture’s sideward movement (horizontal axis).
TiltControls the fixture’s upward and the downward movement (vertical axis).
PanRotateControls the speed of the fixture’s continuous pan movement (horizontal axis).
TiltRotateControls the speed of the fixture’s continuous tilt movement (vertical axis).
PositionEffectSelects the predefined position effects that are built into the fixture.
PositionEffectRateControls the speed of the predefined position effects that are built into the fixture.
PositionEffectFadeSnaps or smooth fades with timing in running predefined position effects.
XYZ_XDefines a fixture’s x-coordinate within an XYZ coordinate system.
XYZ_YDefines a fixture’s y-coordinate within an XYZ coordinate system.
XYZ_ZDefines a fixture‘s z-coordinate within an XYZ coordinate system.
Rot_XDefines rotation around X axis.
Rot_YDefines rotation around Y axis.
Rot_ZDefines rotation around Z axis.
Scale_XScaling on X axis.
Scale_YScaling on Y axis.
Scale_ZScaling on Y axis.
Scale_XYZUnified scaling on all axis.
Gobo(n)The fixture’s gobo wheel (n). This is the main attribute of gobo wheel’s (n) wheel control. Selects gobos in gobo wheel (n). A different channel function sets the angle of the indexed position in the selected gobo or the angular speed of its continuous rotation.
Gobo(n)SelectSpinSelects gobos whose rotation is continuous in gobo wheel (n) and controls the angular speed of the gobo’s spin within the same channel function.
Gobo(n)SelectShakeSelects gobos which shake in gobo wheel (n) and controls the frequency of the gobo’s shake within the same channel function.
Gobo(n)SelectEffectsSelects gobos which run effects in gobo wheel (n).
Gobo(n)WheelIndexControls angle of indexed rotation of gobo wheel (n).
Gobo(n)WheelSpinControls the speed and direction of continuous rotation of gobo wheel (n).
Gobo(n)WheelShakeControls frequency of the shake of gobo wheel (n).
Gobo(n)WheelRandomControls speed of gobo wheel´s (n) random gobo slot selection.
Gobo(n)WheelAudioControls audio-controlled functionality of gobo wheel (n).
Gobo(n)PosControls angle of indexed rotation of gobos in gobo wheel (n). This is the main attribute of gobo wheel’s (n) wheel slot control.
Gobo(n)PosRotateControls the speed and direction of continuous rotation of gobos in gobo wheel (n).
Gobo(n)PosShakeControls frequency of the shake of gobos in gobo wheel (n).
AnimationWheel(n)This is the main attribute of the animation wheel’s (n) wheel control. Selects slots in the animation wheel. A different channel function sets the angle of the indexed position in the selected slot or the angular speed of its continuous rotation. Is used for animation effects with multiple slots.
AnimationWheel(n)AudioControls audio-controlled functionality of animation wheel (n).
AnimationWheel(n)MacroSelects predefined effects in animation wheel (n).
AnimationWheel(n)RandomControls frequency of animation wheel (n) random slot selection.
AnimationWheel(n)SelectEffectsSelects slots which run effects in animation wheel (n).
AnimationWheel(n)SelectShakeSelects slots which shake in animation wheel and controls the frequency of the slots shake within the same channel function.
AnimationWheel(n)SelectSpinSelects slots whose rotation is continuous in animation wheel and controls the angular speed of the slot spin within the same channel function
AnimationWheel(n)PosControls angle of indexed rotation of slots in animation wheel. This is the main attribute of animation wheel (n) wheel slot control.
AnimationWheel(n)PosRotateControls the speed and direction of continuous rotation of slots in animation wheel (n).
AnimationWheel(n)PosShakeControls frequency of the shake of slots in animation wheel (n).
AnimationSystem(n)This is the main attribute of the animation system insertion control. Controls the insertion of the fixture’s animation system in the light output. Is used for animation effects where a disk is inserted into the light output.
AnimationSystem(n)RampSets frequency of animation system (n) insertion ramp.
AnimationSystem(n)ShakeSets frequency of animation system (n) insertion shake.
AnimationSystem(n)AudioControls audio-controlled functionality of animation system (n) insertion.
AnimationSystem(n)RandomControls frequency of animation system (n) random insertion.
AnimationSystem(n)PosThis is the main attribute of the animation system spinning control. Controls angle of indexed rotation of animation system (n) disk.
AnimationSystem(n)PosRotateControls the speed and direction of continuous rotation of animation system (n) disk.
AnimationSystem(n)PosShakeControls frequency of the shake of animation system (n) disk.
AnimationSystem(n)PosRandomControls random speed of animation system (n) disk.
AnimationSystem(n)PosAudioControls audio-controlled functionality of animation system (n) disk.
AnimationSystem(n)MacroSelects predefined effects in animation system (n).
MediaFolder(n)Selects folder that contains media content.
MediaContent(n)Selects file with media content.
ModelFolder(n)Selects folder that contains 3D model content. For example 3D meshes for mapping.
ModelContent(n)Selects file with 3D model content.
PlayModeDefines media playback mode.
PlayBeginDefines starting point of media content playback.
PlayEndDefines end point of media content playback.
PlaySpeedAdjusts playback speed of media content.
ColorEffects(n)Selects predefined color effects built into the fixture.
Color(n)The fixture’s color wheel (n). Selects colors in color wheel (n). This is the main attribute of color wheel’s (n) wheel control.
Color(n)WheelIndexControls angle of indexed rotation of color wheel (n)
Color(n)WheelSpinControls the speed and direction of continuous rotation of color wheel (n).
Color(n)WheelRandomControls frequency of color wheel´s (n) random color slot selection.
Color(n)WheelAudioControls audio-controlled functionality of color wheel (n).
ColorAdd_RControls the intensity of the fixture’s red emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_GControls the intensity of the fixture’s green emitters for direct additive color mixing
ColorAdd_BControls the intensity of the fixture’s blue emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_CControls the intensity of the fixture’s cyan emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_MControls the intensity of the fixture’s magenta emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_YControls the intensity of the fixture’s yellow emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_RYControls the intensity of the fixture’s amber emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_GYControls the intensity of the fixture’s lime emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_GCControls the intensity of the fixture’s blue-green emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_BCControls the intensity of the fixture’s light-blue emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_BMControls the intensity of the fixture’s purple emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_RMControls the intensity of the fixture’s pink emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_WControls the intensity of the fixture’s white emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_WWControls the intensity of the fixture’s warm white emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_CWControls the intensity of the fixture’s cool white emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorAdd_UVControls the intensity of the fixture’s UV emitters for direct additive color mixing.
ColorSub_RControls the insertion of the fixture’s red filter flag for direct subtractive color mixing.
ColorSub_GControls the insertion of the fixture’s green filter flag for direct subtractive color mixing.
ColorSub_BControls the insertion of the fixture’s blue filter flag for direct subtractive color mixing.
ColorSub_CControls the insertion of the fixture’s cyan filter flag for direct subtractive color mixing.
ColorSub_MControls the insertion of the fixture’s magenta filter flag for direct subtractive color mixing.
ColorSub_YControls the insertion of the fixture’s yellow filter flag for direct subtractive color mixing.
ColorMacro(n)Selects predefined colors that are programed in the fixture’s firmware.
ColorMacro(n)RateControls the time between Color Macro steps.
CTOControls the fixture’s “Correct to orange” wheel or mixing system.
CTCControls the fixture’s “Correct to color” wheel or mixing system.
CTBControls the fixture’s “Correct to blue” wheel or mixing system.
TintControls the fixture’s “Correct green to magenta” wheel or mixing system.
HSB_HueControls the fixture’s color attribute regarding the hue.
HSB_SaturationControls the fixture’s color attribute regarding the saturation.
HSB_BrightnessControls the fixture’s color attribute regarding the brightness.
HSB_QualityControls the fixture’s color attribute regarding the quality.
CIE_XControls the fixture’s CIE 1931 color attribute regarding the chromaticity x.
CIE_YControls the fixture’s CIE 1931 color attribute regarding the chromaticity y.
CIE_BrightnessControls the fixture’s CIE 1931 color attribute regarding the brightness (Y).
ColorRGB_RedControls the fixture’s red attribute for indirect RGB color mixing.
ColorRGB_GreenControls the fixture’s green attribute for indirect RGB color mixing.
ColorRGB_BlueControls the fixture’s blue attribute for indirect RGB color mixing.
ColorRGB_CyanControls the fixture’s cyan attribute for indirect CMY color mixing.
ColorRGB_MagentaControls the fixture’s magenta attribute for indirect CMY color mixing.
ColorRGB_YellowControls the fixture’s yellow attribute for indirect CMY color mixing.
ColorRGB_QualityControls the fixture’s quality attribute for indirect color mixing.
VideoBoost_RAdjusts color boost red of content.
VideoBoost_GAdjusts color boost green of content.
VideoBoost_BAdjusts color boost blue of content.
VideoHueShiftAdjusts color hue shift of content.
VideoSaturationAdjusts saturation of content.
VideoBrightnessAdjusts brightness of content.
VideoContrastAdjusts contrast of content.
VideoKeyColor_RAdjusts red color for color keying.
VideoKeyColor_GAdjusts green color for color keying.
VideoKeyColor_BAdjusts blue color for color keying.
VideoKeyIntensityAdjusts intensity of color keying.
VideoKeyToleranceAdjusts tolerance of color keying.
StrobeDurationControls the length of a strobe flash.
StrobeRateControls the time between strobe flashes.
StrobeFrequencyControls the frequency of strobe flashes.
StrobeModeShutterStrobe mode shutter. Use this attribute together with StrobeFrequency to define the type of the shutter / strobe.
StrobeModeStrobeStrobe mode strobe. Use this attribute together with StrobeFrequency to define the type of the shutter / strobe.
StrobeModePulseStrobe mode pulse. Use this attribute together with StrobeFrequency to define the type of the shutter / strobe.
StrobeModePulseOpenStrobe mode opening pulse. Use this attribute together with StrobeFrequency to define the type of the shutter / strobe.
StrobeModePulseCloseStrobe mode closing pulse. Use this attribute together with StrobeFrequency to define the type of the shutter / strobe.
StrobeModeRandomStrobe mode random strobe. Use this attribute together with StrobeFrequency to define the type of the shutter / strobe.
StrobeModeRandomPulseStrobe mode random pulse. Use this attribute together with StrobeFrequency to define the type of the shutter / strobe.
StrobeModeRandomPulseOpenStrobe mode random opening pulse. Use this attribute together with StrobeFrequency to define the type of the shutter / strobe.
StrobeModeRandomPulseCloseStrobe mode random closing pulse. Use this attribute together with StrobeFrequency to define the type of the shutter / strobe.
StrobeModeEffectStrobe mode random shutter effect feature. Use this attribute together with StrobeFrequency to define the type of the shutter / strobe.
Shutter(n)Controls the fixture´s mechanical or electronical shutter feature.
Shutter(n)StrobeControls the frequency of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical strobe shutter feature.
Shutter(n)StrobePulseControls the frequency of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical pulse shutter feature.
Shutter(n)StrobePulseCloseControls the frequency of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical closing pulse shutter feature. The pulse is described by a ramp function.
Shutter(n)StrobePulseOpenControls the frequency of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical opening pulse shutter feature. The pulse is described by a ramp function.
Shutter(n)StrobeRandomControls the frequency of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical random strobe shutter feature.
Shutter(n)StrobeRandomPulseControls the frequency of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical random pulse shutter feature.
Shutter(n)StrobeRandomPulseCloseControls the frequency of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical random closing pulse shutter feature. The pulse is described by a ramp function.
Shutter(n)StrobeRandomPulseOpenControls the frequency of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical random opening pulse shutter feature. The pulse is described by a ramp function.
Shutter(n)StrobeEffectControls the frequency of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical shutter effect feature.
IrisControls the diameter of the fixture’s beam.
IrisStrobeSets frequency of the iris’s strobe feature.
IrisStrobeRandomSets frequency of the iris’s random movement.
IrisPulseCloseSets frequency of iris’s closing pulse.
IrisPulseOpenSets frequency of iris’s opening pulse.
IrisRandomPulseCloseSets frequency of iris’s random closing pulse.
IrisRandomPulseOpenSets frequency of iris’s random opening pulse.
Frost(n)The ability to soften the fixture’s spot light with a frosted lens.
Frost(n)PulseOpenSets frequency of frost’s opening pulse
Frost(n)PulseCloseSets frequency of frost’s closing pulse.
Frost(n)RampSets frequency of frost’s ramp.
Prism(n)The fixture’s prism wheel (n). Selects prisms in prism wheel (n). A different channel function sets the angle of the indexed position in the selected prism or the angular speed of its continuous rotation. This is the main attribute of prism wheel’s (n) wheel control.
Prism(n)SelectSpinSelects prisms whose rotation is continuous in prism wheel (n) and controls the angular speed of the prism’s spin within the same channel function.
Prism(n)MacroMacro functions of prism wheel (n).
Prism(n)PosControls angle of indexed rotation of prisms in prism wheel (n). This is the main attribute of prism wheel’s 1 wheel slot control.
Prism(n)PosRotateControls the speed and direction of continuous rotation of prisms in prism wheel (n).
Effects(n)Generically predefined macros and effects of a fixture.
Effects(n)RateFrequency of running effects.
Effects(n)FadeSnapping or smooth look of running effects.
Effects(n)Adjust(m)Controls parameter (m) of effect (n)
Effects(n)PosControls angle of indexed rotation of slot/effect in effect wheel/macro (n). This is the main attribute of effect wheel/macro (n) slot/effect control.
Effects(n)PosRotateControls speed and direction of slot/effect in effect wheel (n).
EffectsSyncSets offset between running effects and effects 2.
BeamShaperActivates fixture’s beam shaper.
BeamShaperMacroPredefined presets for fixture’s beam shaper positions.
BeamShaperPosIndexing of fixture’s beam shaper.
BeamShaperPosRotateContinuous rotation of fixture’s beam shaper.
ZoomControls the spread of the fixture’s beam/spot.
ZoomModeSpotSelects spot mode of zoom.
ZoomModeBeamSelects beam mode of zoom.
DigitalZoomControls the image size within the defined projection. Used on digital projection based devices
Focus(n)Controls the sharpness of the fixture’s spot light. Can blur or sharpen the edge of the spot.
Focus(n)AdjustAutofocuses functionality using presets.
Focus(n)DistanceAutofocuses functionality using distance.
Control(n)Controls the channel of a fixture.
DimmerModeSelects different modes of intensity.
DimmerCurveSelects different dimmer curves of the fixture.
BlackoutModeClose the light output under certain conditions (movement correction, gobo movement, etc.).
LEDFrequencyControls LED frequency.
LEDZoneModeChanges zones of LEDs.
PixelModeControls behavior of LED pixels.
PanModeSelects fixture’s pan mode. Selects between a limited pan range (e.g. -270 to 270) or a continuous pan range.
TiltModeSelects fixture’s pan mode. Selects between a limited tilt range (e.g. -130 to 130) or a continuous tilt range.
PanTiltModeSelects fixture’s pan/tilt mode. Selects between a limited pan/tilt range or a continuous pan/tilt range.
PositionModesSelects the fixture’s position mode.
Gobo(n)WheelModeChanges control between selecting, indexing, and rotating the gobos of gobo wheel (n).
GoboWheelShortcutModeDefines whether the gobo wheel takes the shortest distance between two positions.
AnimationWheel(n)ModeChanges control between selecting, indexing, and rotating the slots of animation wheel (n).
AnimationWheelShortcutModeDefines whether the animation wheel takes the shortest distance between two positions.
Color(n)ModeChanges control between selecting, continuous selection, half selection, random selection, color spinning, etc. in colors of color wheel (n).
ColorWheelShortcutModeDefines whether the color wheel takes the shortest distance between two colors.
CyanModeControls how Cyan is used within the fixture’s cyan CMY-mixing feature.
MagentaModeControls how Cyan is used within the fixture’s magenta CMY-mixing.
YellowModeControls how Cyan is used within the fixture’s yellow CMY-mixing feature.
ColorMixModeChanges control between selecting continuous selection, half selection, random selection, color spinning, etc. in color mixing.
ChromaticModeSelects chromatic behavior of the device.
ColorCalibrationModeSets calibration mode (for example on/off).
ColorConsistencyControls consistent behavior of color.
ColorControlControls special color related functions.
ColorModelModeControls color model (CMY/RGB/HSV…).
ColorSettingsResetResets settings of color control channel.
ColorUniformityControls behavior of color uniformity.
CRIModeControls CRI settings of output.
CustomColorCustom color related functions (save, recall..).
UVStabilitySettings for UV stability color behavior.
WavelengthCorrectionSettings for Wavelength correction of colors.
WhiteCountControls if White LED is proportionally added to RGB.
StrobeModeChanges strobe style - strobe, pulse, random strobe, etc. - of the shutter attribute.
ZoomModeChanges modes of the fixture´s zoom.
FocusModeChanges modes of the fixture’s focus - manual or auto- focus.
IrisModeChanges modes of the fixture’s iris - linear, strobe, pulse.
Fan(n)ModeControls fan (n) mode.
FollowSpotModeSelects follow spot control mode.
BeamEffectIndexRotateModeChanges mode to control either index or rotation of the beam effects.
IntensityMSpeedMovement speed of the fixture’s intensity.
PositionMSpeedMovement speed of the fixture’s pan/tilt.
ColorMixMSpeedMovement speed of the fixture’s ColorMix presets.
ColorWheelSelectMSpeedMovement speed of the fixture’s color wheel.
GoboWheel(n)MSpeedMovement speed of the fixture’s gobo wheel (n).
IrisMSpeedMovement speed of the fixture’s iris.
Prism(n)MSpeedMovement speed of the fixture’s prism wheel (n).
FocusMSpeedMovement speed of the fixture’s focus.
Frost(n)MSpeedMovement speed of the fixture’s frost (n).
ZoomMSpeedMovement speed of the fixture’s zoom.
FrameMSpeedMovement speed of the fixture’s shapers.
GlobalMSpeedGeneral speed of fixture’s features.
ReflectorAdjustMovement speed of the fixture’s frost.
FixtureGlobalResetGenerally resets the entire fixture.
DimmerResetResets the fixture’s dimmer.
ShutterResetResets the fixture’s shutter.
BeamResetResets the fixture’s beam features.
ColorMixResetResets the fixture’s color mixing system.
ColorWheelResetResets the fixture’s color wheel.
FocusResetResets the fixture’s focus.
FrameResetResets the fixture’s shapers.
GoboWheelResetResets the fixture’s gobo wheel.
IntensityResetResets the fixture’s intensity.
IrisResetResets the fixture’s iris.
PositionResetResets the fixture’s pan/tilt.
PanResetResets the fixture’s pan.
TiltResetResets the fixture’s tilt.
ZoomResetResets the fixture’s zoom.
CTBResetResets the fixture’s CTB.
CTOResetResets the fixture’s CTO.
CTCResetResets the fixture’s CTC.
AnimationSystemResetResets the fixture’s animation system features.
FixtureCalibrationResetResets the fixture’s calibration.
FunctionGenerally controls features of the fixture.
LampControlControls the fixture’s lamp on/lamp off feature.
DisplayIntensityAdjusts intensity of display
DMXInputSelects DMX Input
NoFeatureRanges without a functionality.
Blower(n)Fog or hazer‘s blower feature.
Fan(n)Fog or hazer’s Fan feature.
Fog(n)Fog or hazer’s Fog feature.
Haze(n)Fog or hazer’s Haze feature.
LampPowerModeControls the energy consumption of the lamp.
FansControls a fixture or device fan.
Blade(n)A1 of 2 shutters that shape the top/right/bottom/left of the beam.
Blade(n)B2 of 2 shutters that shape the top/right/bottom/left of the beam.
Blade(n)RotRotates position of blade(n).
ShaperRotRotates position of blade assembly.
ShaperMacrosPredefined presets for shaper positions.
ShaperMacrosSpeedSpeed of predefined effects on shapers.
BladeSoft(n)A1 of 2 soft edge blades that shape the top/right/bottom/left of the beam.
BladeSoft(n)B2 of 2 soft edge blades that shape the top/right/bottom/left of the beam.
KeyStone(n)A1 of 2 corners that shape the top/right/bottom/left of the beam.
KeyStone(n)B2 of 2 corners that shape the top/right/bottom/left of the beam.
VideoControls video features.
VideoEffect(n)TypeSelects dedicated effects which are used for media.
VideoEffect(n)Parameter(m)Controls parameter (m) of VideoEffect(n)Type.
VideoCamera(n)Selects the video camera(n).
VideoSoundVolume(n)Adjusts sound volume.
VideoBlendModeDefines mode of video blending.
InputSourceDefines media input source e.g. a camera input.
FieldOfViewDefines field of view.