Version 1.0
Changelog for 1.0
Link to GDTF v1.0 specification
Version 1.0
- Geometry Type Axis: Removed XML attributes “From”, “To” and “Speed”; #2
- Changed enumeration of attribute names; #33
- Node Revision: added XML attribute “UserID”; #17
- Revisions are optional now. Every time a GDTF file is uploaded to a revision with the actual time and UserID is created by the GDTF-Share; #17
- Geometry Type Geometry Reference: XML attribute “Model” added. #24
- All Geometry Nodes: XML attribute “Model” now uses value type “Name”. #77
- Node Model: Changed description of XML attribute “File”; #79
- ChannelFunction: removed XML attribute DMXInvert; #31
- DMX Mode Children: Removed RDM Personality; #79
- Node DMXPersonality: Changed Value type of XML attribute DMXMode; #79
- Physical Description: Updated definition of emitters; #34
- Physical Description: Added definition of filters; #34
- Channel Function: Added XML attribute “Filter”; #34
- Wheel Slot: Added XML attribute “Filter”; #34
- Physical Description: Added definition of color space for indirect color mixing; #34
- Updated suggested names for Geometry Type “Geometry” and “Axis”; #19
- Updated appendix A and B due to rework and addition of attributes; #35
- DMXChannel: Removed XML attributes “Coarse”, “Fine”, “Ultra” and “Uber” and added XML attribute “Offset” instead.
- Fixture Type Node: Added XML attribute “LongName”; #78
- Fixture Type Node: Changed description of XML attribute “ShortName”; #78
- Fixture Type Node: Changed description of XML attribute “Manufacturer”; #78