Fixture Type Node

Describes the starting point of the description of the fixture type.

Fixture Type Node

The FixtureType node is the starting point of the description of the fixture type within the XML file. The defined Fixture Type Node attributes of the fixture type are specified in table 3.

Table 3. Fixture Type Node Attributes

XML Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameName of the fixture type. As it is based on Name, it is safe for parsing.
ShortNameStringShortened name of the fixture type. Non detailed version or an abbreviation. Can use any characters or symbols.
LongNameStringDetailed, complete name of the fixture type, can include any characters or extra symbols.
ManufacturerStringManufacturer of the fixture type.
DescriptionStringDescription of the fixture type.
FixtureTypeIDGUIDUnique number of the fixture type.
ThumbnailResourceOptional. File name without extension containing description of the thumbnail. Use the following as a resource file:
- png file to provide the rasterized picture. Maximum resolution of picture: 1024x1024
- svg file to provide the vector graphic.
- These resource files are located in the root directory of the zip file.
ThumbnailOffsetXIntHorizontal offset in pixels from the top left of the viewbox to the insertion point on a label. Default value: 0
ThumbnailOffsetYIntVertical offset in pixels from the top left of the viewbox to the insertion point on a label. Default value: 0
RefFTGUIDOptional. GUID of the referenced fixture type.
CanHaveChildrenEnumDescribes if it is possible to mount other devices to this device. Value: “Yes”, “No”. Default value: “Yes”

Fixture type node children are specified in table 4.

Table 4. Fixture Type Node Children

Child NodeMandatoryDescription
AttributeDefinitionsYesDefines all Fixture Type Attributes that are used in the fixture type.
WheelsNoDefines the physical or virtual color wheels, gobo wheels, media server content and others.
PhysicalDescriptionsNoContains additional physical descriptions.
ModelsNoContains models of physically separated parts of the device.
GeometriesYesDescribes physically separated parts of the device.
DMXModesYesContains descriptions of the DMX modes.
RevisionsNoDescribes the history of the fixture type.
FTPresetsNoIs used to transfer user-defined and fixture type specific presets to other show files.
ProtocolsNoIs used to specify supported protocols.

One or more sections could be empty or missing, but the order of sections is mandatory as specified in table 4.