
In the entertainment industry, the MVR file format allows programs to share data and geometry for a scene. A scene is a set of parametric objects such as fixtures, trusses, video screens, and other objects that are used in the entertainment industry.

This document describes the DIN SPEC 15801:2023-12 also known as MVR Version 1.6.


MVR - My Virtual Rig - specified in this DIN SPEC will unify the information exchange between different applications within the entertainment industry. Based on GDTF, as specified in DIN SPEC 15800, MVR allows the exchange of scenic and environmental information and complete show setups as planning status. Furthermore the MVR file format allows programs to share data and geometry for a scene. A scene is a set of parametric objects such as fixtures, trusses, video screens, and other objects that are used secifically in the entertainment industry.

Typical workflow

  1. Program A saves an MVR file containing a scene;
  2. Program B imports this file;
  3. Program B changes some parametric data in the scene;
  4. Program B saves an MVR containing the scene;
  5. Program A imports this file and applies the changes to the existing objects.