Production Assist

Electrical power planning MVR workflow introduced in Production Assist 1.11

With electrical power planning being big part of event planning, latest version 1.11 of Production Assist adds the ability to export and import the data and electrical connections via MVR. Other MVR and GDTF improvements include displaying the state of MVR connections, export textures to MVR and exporting all types of scene objects as GDTF in MVR.

Posted June 8, 2024  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, Production Assist

Production Assist 1.10 with MVR-xchange Support

Production Assist release 1.10 delivers many improvements and additions including implementation of the MVR-xchange protocol.

Posted December 19, 2023  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, Production Assist

Production Assist 1.9 Offers MVR 1.6 Implementation

Latest version 1.9 of Production Assist features many new improvements and additions, including implementation of the MVR 1.6 (draft). The MVR-xchange protocol is supposed to be coming up in future Production Assist version.

Posted August 31, 2023  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, Production Assist

Importing MVR into BlenderDMX

The open source GDTF visualizing tooling based on Blender gains support for MVR import.

Posted February 8, 2023  ‐ 2 min read  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, BlenderDMX, Production Assist