GDTF & MVR Related projects
GDTF original creators
MA Lighting - grandMA3, controlling and visualization, GDTF, MVR
ROBE Lighting - large collection of GDTF files with very comprehensive set of data including glTF based 3D, 2D symbols, spectral color data, media content, wiring and connectors, physical and controlling data and more, ROBE Innovation page, Manufacturer page on GDTF
Vectorworks, Vectorworks Spotlight & Vision - planning and visualization, GDTF, MVR
Official resources
GDTF Fixture builder - web based editor to create and modify GDTF files
GDTF Share - central place for sharing of GDTF device files, 6041 files in total.
GDTF Help Pages - documentation for the GDTF Share and GDTF Builder
YouTube channel of GDTF & MVR - contains playlists of training videos
GDTF Forum - ask questions about GDTF & MVR here
FAQ - answers for questions frequently asked by manufacturers and entertainment professionals
GDTF Hub Projects
GDTF Bench Online - viewer, toolbox and comparator for GDTF files. Browser based and private - locally loaded GDTF files are not sent anywhere, all processing is local, in the web browser. Can also conveniently load files directly from the GDTF Share.
MVR Artist Online - Updater of GDTF files inside MVR scene. Browser based and private.
GDTF Fixture Finder - Find a GDTF device by searching for desired attributes.
- GDTF Quiz - ‘Identify This Light!’ Quiz based on devices in the GDTF Share database. The quiz refreshes daily and features a set of devices provided by manufacturers
Manufacturers providing GDTF files for their devices
64 device manufacturers, alphabetical order:Projects using GDTF and MVR
- Avolites - Range of lighting consoles with powerful, expressive lighting control at your fingertips by Avolites, GDTF, MVR
- Avolites Personality Builder - fixture profile builder with GDTF import and conversion to Avolites personalities by Avolites, GDTF
- Blender Show Stage Lighting - visualizer by FAFIG STUDIO, GDTF
- BlenderDMX - Blender addon to design and render DMX lighting by Open Stage, License: GPL-3.0 ,
- BlinderKitten - a free lighting software without restriction by Norbert Rostaing, License: GPL-3.0 ,
- Clear All Visuals - custom design of GDTF and MVR files and workflows, GDTF
- CueServer Studio - Content Creation and Programming Suite for CueServer by Interactive Technologies, Inc, GDTF
- DMX Plugin for Unreal Engine - game development & visualization by Epic Games, GDTF
- dmXLAN - configure, control, monitor and test ELC devices and dmXLAN network together with all lighting fixtures connected to the dmXLAN network, independent of the brand of consoles and lighting fixtures used by ELC, MVR, GDTF
- Gaffers Control - tool to control all DMX devices in a simple and easy way (uses GDTF internally, not exposed to the user) by Spots Unlimited, GDTF
- GDTF Bench Online - viewer, toolbox and benchmark tool for GDTF files by GDTF Hub, GDTF
- GDTF Builder - web based editor to create and modify GDTF files by GDTF Group, GDTF
- GDTF Fixture Finder - Find the perfect GDTF fixture by name, manufacturer, DMX parameters and more by GDTF Hub, GDTF
- GDTF Share - central place for sharing of GDTF files by GDTF Group, GDTF
- GDTF Spec - DIN SPEC 15800 General Device Type Format (GDTF) and My Virtual Rig (MVR) File Format description by MA Lighting & Vectorworks & ROBE ,
- GDTF to grandMA2 Converter - GDTF to grandMA2 fixture profile converter in MA Fixture Share by MA Lighting, GDTF, Articles: MA Lighting
- GDTF TS Schema - TypeScript schema for GDTF 1.1 by H. Rüger, License: MIT, GDTF
- GDTF XSD Schema - XSD Schema for GDTF 1.1 by Community, License: My Virtual Rig (MVR) SDK License ,
- GDTF-Unity - General Device Type Format (GDTF) library for Unity(C#) by NaoyaKohda, License: MIT ,
- GDTFService - GDTF profiles service for device manufacturers by Crescit Software Inc, GDTF
- GDTFSharp - A C# implementation of the GDTF file format specification by DMXControl Projects e.V., License: MIT ,
- GlowDTF - tech demo for controlling GDTF files via Art-Net, with Kotlin GDTF parser by Cueglow, License: MIT ,
- grandMA3 - lighting control hardware designed for professionals by MA Lighting, GDTF, MVR, Articles: MA Lighting
- Import Plugin for Open Fixture Library - fixture definitions for lighting equipment by Open Lighting Project, License: MIT ,
- libMVRgdtf - A C++ library for GDTF and MVR by GDTF Group, License: My Virtual Rig (MVR) SDK License ,
- LXBeams - an advanced, professional application for creating lighting designs by Claude Heintz Design, GDTF
- Martin Companion - Management and firmware upload tool (Windows, Android & iOS) for all Martin fixtures by Martin Professional, GDTF
- MVR parser - NPM Package for Parsing MVR Files into NodeJS by Harry Bilney, License: ISC, MVR
- MVR Patch Reader - read MVR Fixture Patch by Sylvain Guiblain, License: Unlicense license ,
- MVR XSD Schema - XSD Schema for MVR 1.6 by Community, License: My Virtual Rig (MVR) SDK License ,
- mvr-uuid-shuuffle - Generates new UUIDs inside of a My Virtual Rig (MVR) file by Matt Kupferman, License: MIT ,
- Omniverse-MVR-GDTF-converter - Brings support of MVR and GDTF files to Omniverse and USD by Moment Factory, License: MIT ,
- Open GDTF Rust library - a starting point for a useful GDTF Rust library by Johannes Fried, License: MIT ,
- P3 System Controller - Bring Creative LED and Lighting fixtures harmoniously together onto one visual workspace by Martin Professional, GDTF, MVR
- Patch Importer for grandMA3 - Import selective patch data from a CSV or MVR file into your show to create new or update existing fixtures by MA Tools, MVR
- PHP GDTF - Basic PHP library for interfacing with the General Device Type Format by Mauro Danzo, License: MIT ,
- Production Assist - Event Planning Software by DeerSoft GmbH, GDTF, MVR, Articles: Production Assist
- pylux - Pylux is a program for creating and managing documentation for stage lighting by Jack Page, License: GPL-3.0 ,
- Radiant - an experiment for new ways of controlling DMX based fixtures by Bauke Westendorp, License: MIT ,
- Ray Console - Lighting control console with dedicated device faders by PXM Trade GmbH, GDTF
- Ripple Asset Management - Kit and event management by Hex Event Solutions Limited, GDTF
- SCAD Re-Event - dedicated to Event design by AniVizzion, MVR
- SHIFTY - Vision - A new and intuitive way of controlling intelligent devices developed from first principles for the event industry by SHIFTY, License: MIT ,
- Sidus Link Pro - professional wireless lighting control App by Aputure, GDTF
- SwiftGDTF - Swift library for interacting with General Device Type Format (GDTF) fixture files. by Brandon Wees ,
- td-gdtf - TouchDesigner component for loading in gdtf fixture profiles by Matthew Wachter , License: MIT ,
- Vectorworks Spotlight - design software for the entertainment business by Vectorworks, GDTF, MVR, Articles: Vectorworks
- Vectorworks Vision - Previz Software to Create Unmatched Experiences by Vectorworks, GDTF, MVR, Articles: Vectorworks
- ZerOS for FLX and FLX S consoles series - controlling by Vari-Lite, GDTF