
The GDTF Hub news section. Have a GDTF/MVR related news to share? Email us at info (at) .

All categories: OpenUSD, Planning, BlinderKitten, Capture, BlenderDMX, GDTF, GDTF Builder, GDTF Share, MA Lighting, MVR, Production Assist, Robe Lighting, Unreal Engine, Vectorworks.

MVR workflow from Vectorworks into Augment3D

Patrick Immel has published a series of videos where he goes through the complete process of creating a light plot, utilizing the MVR workflow to go from Vectorworks 24 to ETC Augment3D.

Posted November 8, 2023  ‐ 1 min read  ‐ Categories: MVR, Vectorworks

Reaching a Milestone: GDTF Share Surpasses 3000 Total File Count

The total number of manufacturer- and user-generated GDTF files in the GDTF Share has surpassed 3000, a significant milestone as the entertainment industry moves towards general support for this technology. The report for October, which we have previously shared in this post, highlights another uptake of GDTF devices from multiple lighting fixture manufacturers like ADJ, JBL, and Chauvet. (The monthly report is focused on total count of devices without including their variations or revisions.) In this instance, the lucky file that hit the 3000 mark was one of Robe's GDTFs for older devices, demonstrating manufacturer's commitment to providing GDTF support even for products launched prior to its creation, while still in use in productions.

Posted November 3, 2023  ‐ 1 min read  ‐ Categories: GDTF, GDTF Share

GDTF Share Report for October 2023

GDTF Share report for the month of October 2023

Posted November 1, 2023  ‐ 1 min read  ‐ Categories: GDTF, GDTF Share

GrandMA3 MVR Workflow by Tue Knudsen

Tue Knudsen of Event Lighting shares step by step details of his workflow on the grandMA3 console, including a comprehensive description of how MVR allows him to be efficient when reusing his programming.

Posted October 30, 2023  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, MA Lighting

MVR workflow from Vectorworks through embeded Capture into Avolites

Plasa published a talk by Jazz Hutsby, the renowned Avolites Scottish Titan Console Trainer, on secrets behind harnessing MVR workflows to seamlessly transfer your Vectorworks design into the impressive Titan console range using Capture: 'Discover the World of MVR: Streamlining your CAD by Vectorworks'.

Posted October 24, 2023  ‐ Categories: MVR, Robe Lighting

Recording of the 'Streamline Your Process with GDTF & MVR' webinar

If you did not manage to watch live the Vectorworks organized webinar with Brandon Eckstorm about using GDTF and MVR inside Vectorworks and Vision, organized at the end of September, you can watch the video recording.

Posted October 23, 2023  ‐ 1 min read  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, Vectorworks

GDTF – What is it? What is it for?

Adam Hall has published a blog post about the GDTF format, explaining the advantages of the universal fixture library and the related MVR and GDTF workflow.

Posted October 17, 2023  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR

MomentFactory releases Omniverse MVR and GDTF converter source code on GitHub

Moment Factory released a converter which provides support of GDTF (General Device Type Format) and MVR (My Virtual Rig) files in USD for Omniverse. See more details about their work in our earlier news Where GDTF, MVR and OpenUSD meet: Creating Immersive Events with OpenUSD and Digital Twins.

Posted October 9, 2023  ‐ Categories: MVR, GDTF, OpenUSD

GDTF and MVR Improvements in grandMA3 Version

Latest version of the grandMA3 software contains several interesting GDTF and MVR related improvements including changes to the pigtail geometry, new visualized gobo attributes or better graphics rendering.

Posted October 5, 2023  ‐ 2 min read  ‐ Categories: GDTF, MVR, MA Lighting

GDTF Share Report for September 2023

GDTF Share report for the month of September 2023

Posted October 1, 2023  ‐ 1 min read  ‐ Categories: GDTF, GDTF Share

ETC announces General Device Type Format (GDTF) Fixture Import for Eos Family

ETC announced support for Basic fixture import via General Device Type Format (GDTF) in the Eos v3.2.4. Details given in this dedicated article explain that the initial implementation will only import the DMX definition and for the time being will not import 3D models, gobo images, color definitions nor multicell fixtures, but 'GDTF imports will continue to improve in future releases with planned work and user feedback on the forums'. Eos has previously already been able to import MVR, so the possibility to use GDTFs is another enhancement for the Eos platform and also a great confirmation of success for GDTF and MVR.

Posted September 29, 2023  ‐ Categories: GDTF

Development of plugins for import and preview of GDTF-based virtual fixtures in Unreal Engine - a bachelor degree theses by Luca Sorace

Luca Sorace of Sapienza Università di Roma has published a bachelor degree thesis on the development of a plugin for import and preview of a GDTF based fixtures in the Unreal Engine. Part of the theses is a discussion on implementation of various parts of a typical moving head fixture with calculations and sample code. The repository with the thesis is here and the thesis paper in Italian in pdf is here.

Posted September 25, 2023  ‐ Categories: GDTF, Unreal Engine