Version 0.86
Changelog for 0.86
Version 0.86
- Changing XML tag for Emitter collect;
- XML node “Master” moved from Channel Function to Logical Channel;
- New predefined values for primitive type of model;
- Lamp geometry type is renamed to Beam;
- New name suggestion of General Geometry;
- Attribute has new XML attribute – “Special”;
- Default SubAttribute for Channel Function is NoFeature;
- Fixture Type has new XML attribute “RefFT”;
- RealFade XML attribute has type float;
- Renaming of XML Attribute MibFadeFrame to MibFade, type float;
- Changing type of XML attribute DMXChangeTimeLimit to float;
- Beam has new XML attribute FieldAngle;
- Wheel no longer has the XML attribute “SubAttribute”;
- Changing XML tags of EmitterCollect to Emitters; DMXProfileCollect to DMXProfiles;
- New Type “DMXValue”, used to specify DMX values like Default or DMXFrom;
- Adjusted names of predefined ActivationGroups, Attributes and Subattributes;
- Removed predefined Attributes “MasterIntensity”, REDALL, GREENALL, BLUEALL, AMBERALL, WHITEALL;
- Removed ActivationGroup “ColorRGBALL”.