Model Collect

This section defines the type and dimensions of the model.

Model Collect


Each device is divided into smaller parts: body, yoke, head and so on. These are called geometries. Each geometry has a separate model description and a physical description. Model collect contains model descriptions of the fixture parts. The model collect currently does not have any XML attributes (XML node <Models>). As children, Model Collect has a list of model.


This section defines the type and dimensions of the model (XML node <Model>). The currently defined XML attributes of the model are specified in table 32.

Table 32. Model Attributes

XML Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of the model
LengthFloatUnit: meter; Default value: 0
WidthFloatUnit: meter; Default value: 0
HeightFloatUnit: meter; Default value: 0
PrimitiveTypeEnumType of 3D model; The currently defined values are: “Undefined”, “Cube”, “Cylinder”, “Sphere”, “Base”, “Yoke”, “Head”, “Scanner”, “Conventional”, “Pigtail”, “Base1_1”, “Scanner1_1”, “Conventional1_1”; TODO Default value: “Undefined”
FileResourceOptional. File name without extension and without subfolder containing description of the model. Use the following as a resource file:
- 3DS or GLB to file to provide 3D model.
- SVG file to provide the 2D symbol.
It is possible to add several files with the same name but different formats. Preferable format for the 3D model is GLTF. The resource files are located in subfolders of a folder called ./models. The names of the subfolders correspond to the file format of the resource files (3ds, step, svg). The path for 3ds files would be ./models/3ds. For glb files, it would be ./models/gltf.

Software that is utilizing GDTF files should always be able to read both 3ds and GlTF file formats and should be able to write at least one of these formats. It is preferable that only one type of 3D model file formats is used within one GDTF file.
SVGOffsetXFloatOffset in X from the 0,0 point to the desired insertion point of the top view svg. Unit based on the SVG. Default value: 0
SVGOffsetYFloatOffset in Y from the 0,0 point to the desired insertion point of the top view svg. Unit based on the SVG. Default value: 0
SVGSideOffsetXFloatOffset in X from the 0,0 point to the desired insertion point of the side view svg. Unit based on the SVG. Default value: 0
SVGSideOffsetYFloatOffset in Y from the 0,0 point to the desired insertion point of the side view svg. Unit based on the SVG. Default value: 0
SVGFrontOffsetXFloatOffset in X from the 0,0 point to the desired insertion point of the front view svg. Unit based on the SVG. Default value: 0
SVGFrontOffsetYFloatOffset in Y from the 0,0 point to the desired insertion point of the front view svg. Unit based on the SVG. Default value: 0

The model currently does not have any children.

All models of a device combined should not exceed a maximum vertices count of 1200 for the default mesh level of detail.

There are three level of details that you can define:

Table 33. Mesh level of detail

LODDescriptionFolder 3DS / gltf
LowOptional; This is the mesh for fixtures that are far away from the camera. It should have 30% of the the vertexes from the default mesh vertex count.3ds_low / gltf_low
DefaultThis is the default mesh that is used for real time visualization in preprogramming tool. It should have the minimum vertex count possible, while still looking like the fixture in 3D.3ds / gltf
HighOptional; This is high quality mesh targeting non-realtime applications, where the vertex count is not that important. There is no limit for the vertex count.3ds_high / gltf_high

Low and High meshes definitions are optional. Place the file with the same name in the defined folder.

The device shall be drawn in a hanging position displaying the front view. That results in the pan axis is Z aligned, and the tilt axis is X aligned.

The metric system consists of the Right-handed Cartesian Coordinates XYZ: X – from left (-X) to right (+X), Y – from the outside of the monitor (-Y) to the inside of the monitor (+Y), Z – from bottom (-Z) to top (+Z). 0,0,0 – center base plate. See Figure 2.


Figure 2. Device in a hanging position – front view

The mesh of each fixture part shall be drawn around its own suspension point. The zero point of a device does not necessarily have to contain the offset related to the yoke, but it must be centered on its axis of rotation. The offset is defined by the geometry and has to be related to its parent geometry and not to the base.

Note 1: In general, the offsets are mostly negative, because the device is displayed in a hanging position.

Device Offsets

Figure 3. Offsets of the parts

In Figure 3 the green arrow displays the offset of the yoke related to the base. The magenta arrow displays the offset of the head related to the yoke. The offsets are to be defined by the position matrix of the according geometry (table 32). It is important that the axis of rotation of each device part is exactly positioned (see Figure 4).

media/Models_device_rotation1.png media/Models_device_rotation2.png media/Models_device_rotation3.png

Figure 4. Positions of rotation axis

The dimension XML attributes of model (see table 32) are always used, no matter the scaling and ratio of the mesh file. The mesh is explicitly scaled to this dimension. The length defines the dimension of the model on the X axis, the width on the Y axis and the height on the Z axis.

SVG use viewboxes to align their content. The viewbox is always defined ny the top left of the bounding box. With the attributes SVG_VIEW_Offset_XY you can define the insertion point in relation to the view box.

SVG can have background filling. This filling should have the color #C8C8C8. By this color, any software can replace it with another color.

TypeDescriptionFolder 3DS / gltf
Top ViewView from top in -Z direction.svg
Front ViewView from fron in Y directionsvg_front
Side ViewView from fron in -X directionsvg_side


SVG images should be drawn in a 1:1 scale to the actual device. Use mm as base unit. Scaling operation from 3D meshes will not be applied to the SVG informations

Regarding glTF Files

The used glTF files should follow these requirements:

  • Use the glb binary format
  • Only use the 2.0 version
  • Do not use extension
  • Do not use animations
  • Only use jpeg or png texture resource
  • all vertex attributes are GL_FLOAT

Regarding SVG Files

  • Use SVG 1.1 spec
  • Don’t embed bitmap images.
  • Align the viewbox to the top left of the device