GDTF v1.0

This documents describes old GDTF version 1.0. You may want to view the latest version 1.2.

GDTF Version 1.0


To describe the device type, use the uncompressed zip file with the extension “*.gdtf”. The archive contains a description.xml file (with the description of the device type and all DMX modes and all firmware revisions of this device) and resource files. Some of the resource files are located in a folder structure. A characteristic GDTF file looks like this: ./description.xml ./thumbnail.png ./thumbnail.svg ./wheels/gobo1.png ./wheels/gobo2.png ./models/3ds/base.3ds ./models/3ds/yoke.3ds ./models/svg/base.svg ./models/svg/yoke.svg

Zip archive name is to be specified as follows: @@ Example: generic@led@comment

Use UTF-8 to encode the xml file. Each xml file internally consists of xml nodes. Each node could have attributes and children. Each attribute has a value. If an attribute is not specified in xml, the default value of this attribute will be used. If the xml attribute value is specified as a string, the format of the string will depend on the attribute type. All attribute types are specified in Table 1.

Table 1. Attribute Types

Value Type





Unsigned integer



Signed integer



Number in hexadecimal notation; Default value: 0



Floating point numeric; Separator: “.”





restricted Literal

Unique object names; The allowed characters are listed in Appendix C Default value: object type with an index in parent.



Date and time corresponding to UTC +00:00 (Coordinated Universal Time): yyyy – year, mm – month, dd – day, hh – hours (24 format), mm – minutes, ss – seconds. Example: "2016-06-21T11:22:48"



Link to an element: “Name” is the value of the attribute “Name” of a defined xml node. The starting point defines each attribute separately.


floatx, floaty, floatY

CIE color representation xyY 1931






The transformation matrix consists 4 x 4 floats. Stored in a row-major order. For example, each row of the matrix is stored as a 4- component vector. The mathematical definition of the matrix is in a column-major order. For example, the matrix rotation is stored in the first three columns, and the translation is stored in the 4th column. The metric system consists of the Right- handed Cartesian Coordinates XYZ:

X – from left (-X) to right (+X),

Y – from the outside of the monitor (-Y) to the inside of the monitor (+Y),

Z – from bottom (-Z) to top (+Z). 0,0,0 – center base.


{float, float, float}

{float, float, float}

{float, float, float}

Rotation matrix, consist of 3*3 floats. Stored as row-major matrix, i.e. each row of the matrix is stored as a 3-component vector. Mathematical definition of the matrix is column-major, i.e. the matrix rotation is stored in the three columns. Metric system, right-handed Cartesian coordinates XYZ:

X – from left (-X) to right (+X),

Y – from the outside of the monitor (-Y) to the inside of the monitor (+Y),

Z – from the bottom (-Z) to the top (+Z).



Possible values are predefined.


Int, Alternative format: Universe.Address

Absolute DMX address (size 4 bytes); Alternative format: Universe – integer universe number, starting with 1; Address: address within universe from 1 to 512. Format: integer



Special type to define DMX value where n is the byte count. The byte count can be individually specified without depending on the resolution of the DMX Channel. For example: “128/1” – equals value of 32768 in case of a 2 bytes channel and a value of 128 in case of a 1 byte channel.



Unique ID corresponding to RFC 4122: X – 1 digit in hexadecimal notation. Example: "308EA87D-7164-42DE-8106-A6D273F57A51".



File name of the resource file without extension and without subfolder.

First node is always the xml description node:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The second node is the GDTF node. The attribute of this node is the DataVersion:

DataVersion attribute defines the minimal version of compatibility. Version format is “Major.Minor”, where major and minor is Uint with size 1 byte. This example shows the XML node for GDTF version 1.0.

Fixture Type Node

The FixtureType node is the starting point of the description of the fixture type in the xml file. The currently defined attributes of the fixture type are specified in table 2.

Table 2. Fixture Type Attributes

Attribute Name

Value Type




Name of the fixture type.



Shortened name of the fixture type.



Detailed name of the fixture type.



Manufacturer of the fixture type.



Description of the fixture type.



Unique number of the fixture type.



Optional; File name without extension containing description of the thumbnail. Use the following as a resource file:

  • .png file to provide the rasterized picture. Maximum resolution of picture: 1024x1024;
  • .svg file to provide the vector graphic.

These resource files are located in the root directory of the zip file. Default value: empty.



GUID of the referenced fixture type

Fixture type node children are specified in table 3.

Child NodeAllowed countDescription
AttributeDefinitions1This section defines all attributes that are used in the fixture type.
Wheels0 or 1Is used to define the color wheel, gobo wheel etc.
PhysicalDescriptions0 or 1Contains additional physical descriptions.
Models0 or 1Contains models of physically separated parts of the devise.
Geometries1Is used to describe physically separated parts of the devise.
DMXModes1Contains descriptions of the DMX modes.
Revisions0 or 1Is used to describe the history of the fixture type.
FTPresets0 or 1Is used to transfer user-defined and fixture type specific presets to other show files.
Protocols0 or 1Is used to specify RDM information.

Table 3. Fixture Type Children

One or more sections could be empty or missing, but the order of section has to be as specified in table 3. Listing 1 shows an example of a simple dimmer fixture type.

<FixtureType Name="Dimmer" Manufacturer="Generic">

       <Geometry Name="Body" Model="Lamp"/>  
       <DMXMode Name="Default" Geometry="Body">  
               <DMXChannel Offset="1" Highlight="255/1" Geometry="Body">  
                   <LogicalChannel Attribute="Dimmer" Master="Grand">  
                       <ChannelFunction Attribute="Dimmer" DMXFrom="0/1" />  
           <Relations />  


Listing 1. Simple dimmer fixture type

Attribute Definitions

This section is used to define all attributes used by the fixture type. More information on the definitions of attributes can be found in Appendix A. Attribute definitions describe all currently defined attributes which can be found in Appendix B. The current attribute definition node does not have any attributes (XML node ). Children of the attribute definition are specified in table 4.

XML nodeAllowed countDescription
ActivationGroups0 or 1Defines which attributes are to be activated together. For example, Pan and Tilt are in the same activation group.
FeatureGroups1This section describes the logical grouping of attributes. For example, Gobo1 and Gobo 2 are grouped in the feature Gobo of the feature group Gobo.
Attributes1List of attributes that are used.

Table 4. Attribute Definition Children

Activation Groups

This section is used to define attribute groups which are to be used together. For example, Pan and Tilt attributes. If the device has these attributes in order to control the position, they have to be used together. Defining only one attribute group does not guarantee that the device is directed toward a specified position. The current activation groups node does not have any attributes (XML node ). As children it can have a list of activation group.

Activation Group

This section defines the activation group (XML node ). Currently defined xml attributes of the activation group are specified in table 5.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of the activation group.

Table 5. Activation Group Attributes

The activation group does not have any children.

Feature Groups

This section is used to define the logical grouping of attributes. For example, Pan and Tilt attributes are to be grouped together in the feature PanTilt and in the feature group Position. The feature group Position also contains the feature XYZ. The attributes X, Y, and Z (XML node ) are grouped here. As children the feature groups has a list of feature group.

Feature Group

This section defines the feature group (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the feature group are specified in table 6.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of the feature group.
PrettyStringThe pretty name of the feature group.

Table 6. Feature Group Attributes

As children the feature group has a list of features.


This section defines the feature (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the feature are specified in table 7.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of the feature.

Table 7. Feature Attributes

The feature does not have any children.


This section defines attributes (XML node ). As children the attributes node has a list of attributes.


This section defines the attribute (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the attribute are specified in table 8.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of the attribute.
PrettyStringThe pretty name of the attribute .
ActivationGroupNodeOptional link to the activation group. The starting point is the activation groups node.
FeatureNodeLink to the corresponding feature. The starting point is the feature groups node.
MainAttributeNodeOptional link to the main attribute. The starting point is the attribute node.
PhysicalUnitEnumThe currently defined unit values are: “None”, “Percent”, “Length” (m), “Mass” (kg), “Time” (s), “Temperature” (K), “LuminousIntensity”(cd), “Angle” (degree), “Force” (N), “Frequency” (Hz), “Current” (A), “Voltage” (V), “Power” (W), “Energy” (J), “Area” (m2), “Volume” (m3), “Speed” (m/s), “Acceleration” (m/s2), “AngularSpeed” (degree/s), “AngularAccc” (degree/s2), “WaveLength” (nm), “ColorComponent”. Default: “None”.
ColorColorCIEFor Color attributes only.

Table 8. XML Attributes of the Attribute Node

The attribute does not have any children.

Wheel Collect

This section is used to describe all fixture wheels (color wheel, gobo wheel etc.). It currently does not have any attributes (XML node ). As children wheel collect can have a list of wheels.


Each wheel describes a physical wheel of the fixture type. If the real device has wheels you can change, then all wheel configurations have to be described. Wheel has the following xml node: . The currently defined xml attributes of the wheel are specified in table 9.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of the wheel

Table 9. Wheel Attributes

As children wheel have a list of wheel slots.

Wheel Slot

The wheel slot represents the slot on the wheel (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the wheel slot are specified in table 10.

Table 10. Wheel Slot Attributes

Attribute Name

Value Type




The unique name of the wheel slot



Optional; Color of the wheel slot, Default value: {0.3127, 0.3290, 100.0 } (white)



Optional link to filter in the physical description; Do not define color if filter is used; Starting point: Filter Collect



Optional; PNG file name without extension containing image for specific gobos etc.

  • Maximum resolution of picture: 1024x1024;
  • Recommended resolution of gobo: 256x256;
  • Recommended resolution of animation wheel: 1024x256

These resource files are located in a folder called `./wheels` in the zip archive. Default value: empty.

Table 10. Wheel Slot Attributes

The link between a slot and a channel set is done via the wheel slot index. The wheel slot index of a slot is derived from the order of a wheel’s slots. The wheel slot index is normalized to 1.

If the wheel slot has a prism, it has to have one or several children called prism facet. Listing 2 shows an example of a simple wheel collect described in xml.


   <Wheel Name="C1 Select" >  
       <Slot Name="open" Color="0.3127, 0.3290, 100.0" />  
       <Slot Name="green" Color="0.3, 0.6, 71.52" />  
       <Slot Name="red" Color="0.6400, 0.3299, 21.26" />  
       <Slot Name="blue" Color="0.1500, 0.0600, 7.22" />  


Listing 2. Simple wheel collect

Prism Facet

This section can only be defined for the prism wheel slot and has a description for the prism facet (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the prism facet are specified in table 11.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
ColorColorCIEOptional; Color of prism facet, Default value: {0.3127, 0.3290, 100.0 } (white)
RotationRotationSpecify the rotation, translation and scaling for the facet.

Table 11. Wheel Slot Attributes

The prism facet cannot have any children.

Here you will find how the prism definition works.

Physical Descriptions

This section describes the physical constitution of the device. It currently does not have any attributes (XML node ). Children of Physical Description are specified in table 12.

XML nodeAllowed countDescription
Emitters0 or 1Describes device emitters
Filters0 or 1Describes device filters
ColorSpace0 or 1Describes device color space
DMXProfiles0 or 1Describes nonlinear correlation between DMX input and physical output of a channel.
CRIs0 or 1Describes color rendering with IES TM-30-15 (99 color samples).

Table 12. Physical description children

Emitter Collect

This section contains descriptions of the emitters. It currently does not have any attributes (XML node ). As children the emitter collect has a list of emitters. Emitter Collect defines additive mixing of light sources, such as LEDs and tungsten lamps with permanently fitted filters.


This section contains the description of the emitter (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the emitter are specified in table 13.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameName of the emitter
ColorColorCIEApproximate absolute color point if applicable. Omit for non-visible emitters (eg., UV).
DominantWaveLengthFloatRequired if color is omitted, otherwise it is optional. Dominant wavelength of the LED.
DiodePartStringOptional; Manufacturer’s part number of the diode.

Table 13. Emitter Attributes

As children the Emitter Collect has a list of measurements.

Filter Collect

This section contains descriptions of the filter. It currently does not have any attributes (XML node ). As children the filter collect has a list of filters. The Filter Collect defines subtractive filters, such as subtractive mixing flags and media used in physical Color Wheels.


This section contains the description of the filter (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the filter are specified in table 14.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameName of the filter.
ColorColorCIEApproximate absolute color point when this filter is the only item fully inserted into the beam and the fixture is at maximum intensity.

Table 14. Filter Attributes

As children the Filter Collect has a list of measurements.


The measurement is used to define the measurement collect. XML node for measurement is . The currently defined xml attributes of the measurement are specified in table 15.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
PhysicalFloatFor additive color mixing: uniquely given emitter intensity DMX percentage. Value range between “> 0 and <= 100. For subtractive color mixing: uniquely given flag insertion DMX percentage. Value range between 0 and 100.
LuminousIntensityFloatUsed for additive color mixing: overall candela value for the enclosed set of measurement.
TransmissionFloatUsed for subtractive color mixing: total amount of lighting energy passed at this insertion percentage.
InterpolationToEnumOptional. Interpolation scheme from the previous value. The currently defined values are: “Linear”, “Step”, “Log”; Default: Linear

Table 15. Measurement Attributes

The order of the measurements corresponds their physical value.

Additional definition for additive color mixing: it is assumed that the physical value 0 exists and has zero output. Use the DMX collect to define the actual limits for fixtures that cannot fully remove the flag. Additional definition for subtractive color mixing: The flag is removed in physical value 0 and it does not affect the beam. Physical value 100 is maximally inserted and affects the beam. Many fixtures have a non-linear relationship when inserting flags. Some fixtures also vary in color response. These fixtures define multiple measurement points and interpolation correspondingly.

As children the Measurement Collect has an optional list of measurement points.

Measurement Point

The measurement point is used to define the spectrum collect. XML node for measurement point is . The currently defined xml attributes of the measurement point are specified in table 16.

It is recommended, but not required, that measurement points are evenly spaced. Regions with minimal light energy can be omitted, but the decisive range of spectrum must be included. Recommended measurement spacing is 1nm. Measurement spacing should not exceed 4nm.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
WaveLengthFloatCenter wavelength of measurement (nm).
EnergyFloatLighting energy (W/m2/nm)

Table 16. Measurement Point Attributes

The measurement point does not have any children.

Listing 3 shows an example of an emitter collect and the corresponding emitters described in xml.


   <Emitter Color="0.640,0.329,21.26" DominantWaveLength="625" Name="Red">  
       <Measurement LuminousIntensity="5625" Physical="100">  
           <MeasurementPoint Energy="0.048200" WaveLength="634"/>  
           <MeasurementPoint Energy="0.069000" WaveLength="637"/>  
           <MeasurementPoint Energy="0.073700" WaveLength="640"/>  
           <MeasurementPoint Energy="0.047800" WaveLength="643"/>  
           <MeasurementPoint Energy="0.021700" WaveLength="646"/>  
       <Measurement LuminousIntensity="5062" Physical="90">  
           <MeasurementPoint Energy="0.040200" WaveLength="634"/>  
           <MeasurementPoint Energy="0.060000" WaveLength="637"/>  
           <MeasurementPoint Energy="0.06900" WaveLength="640"/>  
           <MeasurementPoint Energy="0.040800" WaveLength="643"/>  
           <MeasurementPoint Energy="0.016900" WaveLength="646"/>  
   <Emitter Color="0.300,0.600,71.52" DominantWaveLength="530" Name="Green">  
       <Measurement LuminousIntensity="10260" Physical="100" />  
       <Emitter Color="0.150,0.060,7.22" DominantWaveLength="470" Name="Blue">  
       <Measurement LuminousIntensity="2750" Physical="100" />  


Listing 3. Emitter collect with Emitter

Color Space

This section contains the description of the color space that is used for color mixing with indirect RGB, Hue/Sat, xyY or CMY control input. (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the color space are specified in table 17.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
ModeEnumMode. The defined values are “Custom”, “sRGB”, “ProPhoto” and “ANSI”. Default Value: “sRGB”
RedColorCIEOptional; CIE xyY of the Red Primary; this is used only if the ColorSpace is “Custom”.
GreenColorCIEOptional; CIE xyY of the Green Primary; this is used only if the ColorSpace is “Custom”.
BlueColorCIEOptional; CIE xyY of the Blue Primary; this is used only if the ColorSpace is “Custom”.
WhitePointColorCIEOptional; CIE xyY of the White Point; this is used only if the ColorSpace is “Custom”.

Table 17. Color Space Attributes

DescriptionAdobe sRGB, HDTV IEC 61966-2-1:1999Kodak ProPhoto ROMM RGB ISO 22028-2:2013ANSI E1.54-2015
Red0.6400, 0.3300, 0.21260.7347, 0.26530.7347, 0.2653
Green0.3000, 0.6000, 0.71520.1596, 0.84040.1596, 0.8404
Blue0.1500, 0.0600, 0.07220.0366, 0.00010.0366, 0.001
WhitePoint0.3127, 0.3290, 1.00000.3457, 0.35850.4254, 0.4044

Table 18. Predefined Modes

The color space does not have any children.

DMX Profile Collect

This section contains DMX profile descriptions. Currently it does not have any attributes (XML node ). As children DMX profile collect has a list of DMX profiles.

DMX Profile

This section contains DMX profile description (XML node ).

Color Rendering Index Collect

This section contains TM-30-15 Fidelity Index (Rf) for 99 color samples. Currently it does not have any attributes (XML node ). As children CRIs has a list of CRI groups.

Color Rendering Index Group

This section contains CRIs for a single color temperature (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the CRI group are specified in table 19.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
ColorTemperatureFloatColor temperature; Default value: 6000; Unit: kelvin

Table 19. CRI Group Attributes

Color Rendering Index

This section contains the CRI for one of the 99 color samples (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the measurement point are specified in table table 20.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
CESEnumColor sample. The defined values are “CES01”, “CES02”, … “CES99”. Default Value “CES01”
ColorTemperatureUIntThe color rendering index for this sample. Size: 1 byte; Default value: 100

Table 20. CRI Attributes

The color rendering index does not have any children.

Model Collect

Each device is to be divided into small parts: body, yoke, head etc. These are called geometries. Each geometry has a separate model description and a physical description. Model collect contains model descriptions of the fixture parts. The model collect currently does not have any attributes (XML node ). As children model collect has a list of models.


XML node . The currently defined xml attributes of the model are specified in table 21.

Table 21. Model Attributes

Attribute Name

Value Type




The unique name of the model



Unit: meter; Default value: 0



Unit: meter; Default value: 0



Unit: meter; Default value: 0



Type of 3D model; The currently defined values are: “Undefined”, “Cube”, “Cylinder”, “Sphere”, “Base”, “Yoke”, “Head”, “Scanner”, “Conventional”, “Pigtail”; Default value: “Undefined”



Option: File name without extension and without subfolder containing description of the model. Use the following as a resource file:

  • 3ds file to provide 3D model.
  • STEP file to provide 3D model as a parametric model;
  • .svg file to provide the 2D symbol.

It is possible to add several files with the same name but different formats. Preferable format for the 3D model is 3ds. The resource files are located in subfolders of a folder called `./models`. The names of the subfolders correspond to the file format of the resource files (3ds, step, svg). The path for 3ds files would be `./models/3ds`.

Table 21. Model Attributes

When preparing 3ds resource files, consider the following: All models from a device combined should have a maximum vertices count of 900 to 1200.

If geometry has a connection panel, the position of the connection panel (pig tail position) has to be specified in the corresponding 2D or 3D resource file. The model currently does not have any children.

Draw the device in a hanging position displaying the front view. This means that the pan axis is Z aligned, and the tilt axis is X aligned (The metric system consists of the Right-handed Cartesian Coordinates XYZ: X – from left (-X) to right (+X), Y – from the outside of the monitor (-Y) to the inside of the monitor (+Y), Z – from bottom (-Z) to top (+Z). 0,0,0 – center base. See picture 1.

Picture 1. Device in a hanging position – front view

Draw the mesh of each fixture part around its own suspension point. For example, the zero point of a device does not necessarily have to contain the offset related to the yoke, but it must be centered on its axis of rotation. The offset is defined by the geometry and has to be related to its parent geometry and not to the base. Note: In general, the offsets are mostly negative, because the device is displayed in a hanging position.

Picture 2. Offsets of the parts

In picture 2 the green arrow displays the offset of the yoke related to the base. The magenta arrow displays the offset of the head related to the yoke. The offsets are to be defined by the position matrix of the according Geometry (table 23table 30). It is important that the axis of rotation of each fixture part is exactly where it should be (see picture 3).

media/Models_device_rotation1.png media/Models_device_rotation2.png media/Models_device_rotation3.png

Picture 3. Positions of rotation axis

The dimension xml attributes of Model (see table 21) are always used, no matter the scaling and ratio of the 3ds file. The mesh is explicitly scaled to this dimension. The length defines the dimension of the model on the X axis, the width on the Y axis and the height on the Z axis.

The model currently does not have any children.

Geometry Collect

The physical description of the device parts is in the geometry collect. Geometry collect can contain a separate geometry or a tree of geometries. The geometry collect currently does not have any attributes (XML node ). The currently defined children nodes of geometry collect are specified in table 22.

XML nodeAllowed countDescription
GeometryAnyGeneral Geometry
AxisAnyGeometry with axis
FilterBeamAnyGeometry with a beam filter
FilterColorAnyGeometry with color filter
FilterGoboAnyGeometry with gobo
FilterShaperAnyGeometry with shaper
BeamAnyGeometry with a light source
GeometryReferenceAnyReference to already described geometries

Table 22. Geometry Children Types

General Geometry

It is a basic geometry type without specification (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the geometry are specified in table 23.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of geometry. If geometry represents a conventional, call it Body. If geometry represents the base housing of a moving head, call it Base.
ModelNameLink to the corresponding model.
PositionMatrixRelative position of geometry; Default value: 0

Table 23. Geometry Attributes

The geometry has the same children types as the geometry collect (see table 22).

Geometry Type Axis

This type of geometry is used to describe device parts which have a rotation axis. For example, yoke (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the axis are specified in table 24.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of the geometry. Suggested name of all axes is Yoke. If axis represents the lamp housing of a moving head, call it Head. The Head of a moving head is usually mounted to the Yoke.
ModelNameLink to the corresponding model.
PositionMatrixRelative position of geometry; Default value: 0

Table 24. Axis Attributes

The axis has the same children types as the geometry collect (see table 22).

Geometry Type Beam Filter

This type of geometry is used to describe device parts which have a beam filter (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the beam filter are specified in table 25.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of geometry. If filter is used to limit the diffusion of light, call it BarnDoor. BarnDoor is usually mounted to a conventional. If filter is used to describe a device that is used to adjust the diameter of the beam, call it Iris. Iris is usually mounted to a conventional.
ModelNameLink to the corresponding model.
PositionMatrixRelative position of geometry; Default value: 0

Table 25. Beam Filter Attributes

The beam has the same children types as the geometry collect (see table 22).

Geometry Type Color Filter

This type of geometry is used to describe device parts which have a color filter (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the color filter are specified in table 26.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of geometry. If filter is used to describe the filter of a color or a mechanical color changer, call it FilterColor. FilterColor is usually mounted to a conventional.
ModelNameLink to the corresponding model.
PositionMatrixRelative position of geometry; Default value: 0

Table 26. Color Filter Attributes

The color has the same children types as the geometry collect (see table 22).

Geometry Type Gobo Filter

This type of geometry is used to describe device parts which have gobo wheel (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the gobo filter are specified in table 27.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of geometry. If filter is used to display the filter of a gobo or a mechanical gobo changer, call it FilterGobo. FilterGobo is usually mounted to a conventional.
ModelNameLink to the corresponding model.
PositionMatrixRelative position of geometry; Default value: 0

Table 27. Gobo Filter Attributes

The color has the same children types as the geometry collect (see table 22).

Geometry Type Shaper Filter

This type of geometry is used to describe device parts which have a shaper (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the shaper filter are specified in table 28.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of geometry; If filter is used to form the beam to a framed, triangular, or trapezoid shape, call it Shaper. Shaper is usually mounted to a conventional.
ModelNameLink to the corresponding model.
PositionMatrixRelative position of geometry; Default value: 0

Table 28. Shaper Filter Attributes

The color has the same children types as the geometry collect (see table 22).

Geometry Type Beam

This type of geometry is used to describe device parts which have a light source (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the lamp are specified in table 29.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of geometry. If geometry represents a self-emitting single light source, call it Pixel. Pixel is usually mounted to the Head or Body. If geometry represents a number of pixels that are controlled at the same time, call it Array. Array is usually mounted to the Head or Body. If geometry represents the light source of a moving mirror, call it Mirror. Mirror is usually mounted to the Yoke.
ModelNameLink to the corresponding model.
PositionMatrixRelative position of geometry; Default value: 0
LampTypeEnumDefines type of the lamp; The currently defined types are: Discharge, Tungsten, Halogen, LED; Default value “Discharge”
PowerConsumptionFloatPower consumption; Default value: 1000; Unit: watt
LuminousFluxFloatIntensity; Default value: 10000; Unit: lumen
ColorTemperatureFloatColor temperature; Default value: 6000; Unit: kelvin
BeamAngleFloatBeam angle; Default value: 25.0; Unit: degree
FieldAngleFloatField angle; Default value: 25.0; Unit: degree
BeamRadiusFloatBeam radius on starting point. Default value: 0.05; Unit: meter.
BeamTypeEnumBeam Type; Specified values: “Wash”, “Spot”, “None”. Default value “Wash”
ColorRenderingIndexUintThe CRI (color rendering index) is a quantitative measure of the ability of the light source showing the object color naturally as it does as daylight reference. Size 1 byte. Default value 100.

Table 29. Beam Attributes

The beam has the same children types as the geometry collect (see table 22).

Geometry Type Reference

If the device repeatedly has the same geometries, describe this geometry as the child of the geometry collect once and later use references to it. For example, LED panel with multiple pixels. (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of reference are specified in table 30.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of geometry.
PositionMatrixRelative position of geometry; Default value: 0
GeometryNameName of the referenced geometry.
ModelNameOptional; Link to the corresponding model. The model only replaces the model of the parent of the referenced geometry. The models of the children of the referenced geometry are not affected. The starting point is Models Collect. If model is not set, the model is taken from the referenced geometry.

Table 30. Reference Attributes

The reference has a list of Breaks as children. The count of the children depends on the number of different breaks in the DMX channels of the referenced geometry. If the referenced geometry, for example, has DMX channels with DMX break 2 and 4, the geometry reference has to have 2 children. The first child with DMX offset for DMX break 2 and the second child for DMX break 4. If one or more of the DMX channels of the referenced geometry have the special value “Overwrite” as a DMX break, the DMX break for those channels and the DMX offsets are defined by the last child of the geometry reference.


This xml node is used to specify the DMX offset for the DMX channel of the referenced geometry (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the break are specified in table 31.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
DMXOffsetDMXAddressDMX offset; Default value:1
DMXBreakUintThis attribute is only important for the last child of the geometry reference and only so if the referenced geometry has a channel with the special value “Overwrite” for the attribute DMXBreak. Size: 1 byte; Default value 1.

Table 31. Break Attributes

Listing 4 shows an example of a geometry collect and the corresponding DMX mode described in xml.


   <Beam Name="Pixel" Model="Pixel" LampType="LED" PowerConsumption="1" LuminousFlux=" 100" ColorTemperature="3000" BeamAngle="20" />  
   <Geometry Name="Body" Model="Body">  
       <GeometryReference Position="{1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-0.475000}{0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,-0.475000}{0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,-0.040000}{0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000}" Geometry="Pixel">  
           <Break DMXOffset="1" />  
       <GeometryReference Position="{1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-0.425000}{0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,-0.475000}{0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,-0.040000}{0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000}" Geometry="Pixel">  
           <Break DMXOffset="4" />  
       <GeometryReference Position="{1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-0.425000}{0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.075000}{0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,-0.040000}{0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000}" Geometry="Pixel">  
           <Break DMXBreak="2" DMXOffset="1" />  
       <GeometryReference Position="{1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-0.425000}{0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,-0.075000}{0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,-0.040000}{0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000}" Geometry="Pixel">  
           <Break DMXBreak="2" DMXOffset="4" />  
       <GeometryReference Position="{1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-0.475000}{0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.325000}{0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,-0.040000}{0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000}" Geometry="Pixel">  
           <Break DMXBreak="3" DMXOffset="1" />  
       <GeometryReference Position="{1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,-0.425000}{0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.325000}{0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,-0.040000}{0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000}" Geometry="Pixel">  
           <Break DMXBreak="3" DMXOffset="4" />  

</Geometries> <DMXModes>

   <DMXMode Name="Default" Geometry="Body">  
           <DMXChannel Highlight="255/1" Geometry="Pixel">  
               <LogicalChannel Attribute="Dimmer" Master="Grand" DMXChangeTimeLimit="0" >  
                   <ChannelFunction Attribute="Dimmer" DMXFrom="0/1">  
                       <ChannelSet Name="closed" DMXFrom="0/1" PhysicalTo="0" />  
                       <ChannelSet DMXFrom="1/1" />  
                       <ChannelSet Name="open" DMXFrom="255/1" PhysicalFrom="1" />  
           <DMXChannel DMXBreak="Overwrite" Offset="1" Default="255/1" Highlight="255/1" Geometry="Pixel">  
               <LogicalChannel Attribute="ColorAdd_R">  
                   <ChannelFunction Attribute="ColorAdd_R" DMXFrom="0/1" />  
           <DMXChannel DMXBreak="Overwrite" Offset="2" Default="255/1" Highlight="255/1" Geometry="Pixel">  
               <LogicalChannel Attribute="ColorAdd_G">  
                   <ChannelFunction Attribute="ColorAdd_G" DMXFrom="0/1" />  
           <DMXChannel DMXBreak="Overwrite" Offset="3" Default="255/1" Highlight="255/1" Geometry="Pixel">  
               <LogicalChannel Attribute="ColorAdd_B">  
                   <ChannelFunction Attribute="ColorAdd_B" DMXFrom="0/1" />  
           <Relation Name="VirtualDimmer" Master="Pixel_Dimmer" Follower="Pixel_ColorAdd_R.ColorAdd_R.ColorAdd_R 1" Type="Multiply" />  
           <Relation Name="VirtualDimmer" Master="Pixel_Dimmer" Follower="Pixel_ColorAdd_G.ColorAdd_G.ColorAdd_G 1" Type="Multiply" />  
           <Relation Name="VirtualDimmer" Master="Pixel_Dimmer" Follower="Pixel_ColorAdd_B.ColorAdd_B.ColorAdd_B 1" Type="Multiply" />  


Listing 4. Geometry collect with DMX mode

DMX Mode Collect

This section is used to describe all DMX modes of the device. If firmware revisions change a DMX footprint, then such revisions should be specified as new DMX mode. The DMX mode collect currently does not have any attributes (XML node ). As a child the fixture type DMX mode collect has DMX modes.

DMX Mode

Each DMX mode describes logical part of the device in a specific mode (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the DMX mode are specified in table 32.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe unique name of the DMX mode
GeometryNameName of the first geometry in the device; Example: Base.

Table 32. DMX Mode Attributes

DMX mode children are specified in table 33.

XML nodeAllowed countDescription
DMXChannels1Description of all DMX channels used in the mode
Relations0 or 1Description of relations between channels
FTMacros0 or 1Is used to describe macros of the manufacturer.

Table 33. DMX Mode Children

DMX Channel Collect

This section describes the DMX patch of the device. The DMX channel collect currently does not have any attributes (XML node ). As children the DMX channel collect has a list of DMX channels.

DMX Channel

This section describes the DMX channel (XML node ). Name of DMX channel cannot be specified and consist of a geometry name and an attribute name with seperator “_”. Currently defined xml attributes of the DMX channel are specified in table 34.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
DMXBreakIntNumber of DMX address; Default value: 1; Special value: “Overwrite” – means that this number will be overwritten by Geometry Reference; Size: 4 bytes
OffsetArray of IntRelative patch addresses of the current DMX channel from highest to least significant; Seperator of values is “,”; Special value: “None” –does not have any addresses; Default value: “None”; Size per int: 4 bytes
DefaultDMXValueDefault value for current channel; Default value: 0
HighlightDMXValueHighlight value for current channel; Special value: “None”. Default value: “None”.
GeometryNameName of the geometry the current channel has.

Table 34. DMX Channel Attributes

As children the DMX channel has a list of logical channels.

Logical Channel

This section is assigned to the attribute and it roughly defines the function of the channel. For example, the logical channel can be assigned to a Gobo function. As a child it has two channel functions: “select position” and “rotation speed”. All logical channels which are children of the same DMX channel are mutually exclusive. The name of the logical channel cannot be specified and is equal to the attribute name. The xml node of the logical channel is . The currently defined xml attributes of the logical channel are specified in table 35.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
AttributeNodeLink to the attribute; The starting point is the Attribute Collect (see Appendix A).
SnapEnumIs this channel a snap channel? Value: “Yes”, “No”, “On”, “Off”. Default value: “No”
MasterEnumDoes the current channel function react to the Master? Values: “None”, “Grand”, “Group”; Default value: “None”.
MibFadeFloatHow fast does the device move in black? Default value: 0; Unit: second
DMXChangeTimeLimitFloatHow fast does the device react to a changing DMX input? Default value: 0; Unit: second

Table 35. Logical Channel Attributes

As a child the logical channel has a list of channel function.

Channel Function

This section is assigned to the attribute and it explains the function of the logical channel (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of channel function are specified in table 36.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameStringUnique name; Default value: Name of attribute and number of channel function. Example “Pan 1”.
AttributeNodeLink to attribute; Starting point is the attributes node. Default value: “NoFeature”.
OriginalAttributeStringThe manufacturer ́s original name of the attribute; Default: empty
DMXFromDMXValueStart DMX value; The end DMX value is calculated as a DMXFrom of the next channel function – 1 or the maximum value of the current logical channel. Default value: “0/1”.
PhysicalFromFloatPhysical start value; Default value: 0
PhysicalToFloatPhysical end value; Default value: 1
RealFadeFloatMechanical time in seconds to move from min to max; Default value: 0
WheelNodeOptional link to wheel; Starting point: Wheel Collect
EmitterNodeOptional link to emitter in the physical description; Starting point: Emitter Collect
FilterNodeOptional link to filter in the physical description; Starting point: Filter Collect
DMXInvertEnumInverts the DMX values for the range given. For example, DMX Invert can be used to invert the direction of pan or tilt movement or for conversion between subtractive and additive color mixing systems. Values: “Yes”, “No”; Default value “No”
ModeMasterNodeLink to DMX channel or channel function; Starting point DMX mode
ModeFromDMXValueOnly used together with ModeMaster; DMX start value; Default value: 0/1
ModeToDMXValueOnly used together with ModeMaster; DMX end value; Default value: 0/1

Table 36. Channel Function Attributes

As children the channel function has list of channel sets.

Channel Set

This section describes the channel sets of the channel function (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the channel set are specified in table 37.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameStringThe name of the channel set. Default: Empty
DMXFromDMXValueStart DMX value; The end DMX value is calculated as a DMXFrom of the next channel set – 1 or the maximum value of the current channel function; Default value: 0/1
PhysicalFromFloatPhysical start value
PhysicalToFloatPhysical end value
WheelSlotIndexIntIf the channel function has a link to the wheel, a corresponding slot index can be specified. The wheel slot index results from the order of slots of the wheel which is linked in the channel function. The wheel slot index is normalized to 1. Example: a wheel slot index of 5 would link to the 5th slot of the wheel. Size: 4 bytes

Table 37. Channel Set Attributes

The channel set does not have any children.

Relation Collect

This section is used to describe the dependencies between DMX channels and channel functions, such as multiply and override. The relation collect currently does not have any attributes (XML node ). As children the relation collect has a list of relations.


This section describes the relation between the master DMX channel and the following logical channel (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the relations are specified in table 38.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameStringThe unique name of the relation
MasterNodeLink to the master DMX channel; Starting point: DMX mode
FollowerNodeLink to the following channel function; Starting point: DMX mode
TypeEnumType of the relation; Values: “Multiply”, “Override”

Table 38. Relation Attributes

The relation does not have any children. Listing 5 shows an example of a simple DMX mode described in xml (description of the corresponding geometries are in listing 4).

<DMXMode Name="Default" Geometry="Body">

       <DMXChannel Highlight="255/1" Geometry="Pixel">  
           <LogicalChannel Attribute="Dimmer" Master="Grand">  
               <ChannelFunction Attribute="Dimmer" DMXFrom="0/1">  
                   <ChannelSet Name="closed" DMXFrom="0/1" PhysicalTo="0" />  
                   <ChannelSet DMXFrom="1/1" />  
                   <ChannelSet Name="open" DMXFrom="255/1" PhysicalFrom="1" />  
       <DMXChannel DMXBreak="Overwrite" Offset="1" Default="255/1" Highlight="255/1" Geometry="Pixel">  
           <LogicalChannel Attribute="ColorAdd_R">  
               <ChannelFunction Attribute="ColorAdd_R" DMXFrom="0/1"/>  
       <DMXChannel DMXBreak="Overwrite" Offset="2" Default="255/1" Highlight="255/1" Geometry="Pixel">  
           <LogicalChannel Attribute="ColorAdd_G">  
               <ChannelFunction Attribute="ColorAdd_G" DMXFrom="0/1"/>  
       <DMXChannel DMXBreak="Overwrite" Offset="3" Default="255/1" Highlight="255/1" Geometry="Pixel">  
           <LogicalChannel Attribute="ColorAdd_B">  
               <ChannelFunction Attribute="ColorAdd_B" DMXFrom="0/1"/>  
       <Relation Name="VirtualDimmer" Master="Pixel_Dimmer" Follower="Pixel_ColorAdd_R.ColorAdd_R.ColorAdd_R 1" Type="Multiply" />  
       <Relation Name="VirtualDimmer" Master="Pixel_Dimmer" Follower="Pixel_ColorAdd_G.ColorAdd_G.ColorAdd_G 1" Type="Multiply" />  
       <Relation Name="VirtualDimmer" Master="Pixel_Dimmer" Follower="Pixel_ColorAdd_B.ColorAdd_B.ColorAdd_B 1" Type="Multiply" />  


Listing 5. DMX mode with relations

Macro Collect

This section is used to describe macros of the fixture type that were preprogrammed by the manufacturer of the fixture. This information is used for the visualization of macros of the fixture type in the 3D view. It is also used for starting these macros on the lighting console. The macro collect currently does not have any attributes (XML node ). As children the macro collect has a list of macros.


This section describes a preprogrammed macro or command (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the macro are specified in table 39.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
NameNameThe name of the macro.

Table 39. Macro Attributes

Macro children are specified in table 40

XML nodeAllowed CountDescription
MacroDMX0 or 1Describes DMX values required to start the macro.
MacroVisual0 or 1Describes visual effect of the macro.

Table 40. Macro Children

Macro DMX

This section describes the controlling sequence of DMX values which are sent by a lighting console to start the macro (XML node ). As children the macro DMX has a list of DMX Steps.

Macro DMX Step

This section describes a DMX step (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the macro DMX step are specified in table 41.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
DurationUIntDuration of a step; Default value: 1. Size 1 byte. Unit: DMX frame.

Table 41. Macro DMX Step Attributes

As children the macro DMX step has a list of DMX Value.

DMX Value

This section describes a value for DMX channel (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the DMX Value are specified in table 42.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
DMXChannelNodeLink to a DMX channel. Starting node DMX Channel Collect.

Table 42. DMX Value Attributes

The DMX value does not have any children.

Macro Visual

This section describes visual effect of the macro (XML node ). As children the macro visual has a list of Visual steps

Macro Visual Step

This section describes a visual step (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the macro DMX step are specified in table 43.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
DurationUIntDuration of a step without the influence of a macro speed channel. Default value: 1; Size 1 byte; Unit: DMX frame.
FadeFloatFade time; Default value: 0.0. Unit: milliseconds.
DelayFloatDelay time; Default value: 0.0. Unit: milliseconds.

Table 43. Macro Visual Step Attributes

As children the macro visual step has a list of Visual Value.

Visual Value

This section describes a value for the channel function (XML node ). The currently defined xml attributes of the Visual Value are specified in table 44.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
ChannelFunctionNodeLink to a Channel Function which overwrites this value. Starting node DMX Channel Collect.

Table 44. Visual Value Attributes

The Visual Value does not have any children.

Revision Collect

This section describes the a history of device type. Revision collect currently does not have any attributes (XML node ). As children the revision collect has a list of revisions.


This section describes one revision of a device type (XML node Revision>). Revisions are optional. Every time a GDTF file is uploaded to, a revision with the actual time and UserID is created by the GDTF-Share. The currently defined attributes of the revision are specified in table 45.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
TextStringUser-defined text for this revision; Default value: empty
DateDateRevision date and time
UserIDUintUserID of the user that has uploaded the GDTF file to; Default value: 0

Table 45. Revision Attributes

The revision does not have any children. Listing 6 shows an example of the revision collect described in xml.


  <Revision Text="Created by Admin " Date="2016-06-21T11:22:48" UserID="1" />


Listing 6. Simple revision collect

User Preset Collect

This section is used to save fixture type specific presets. It currently does not have any attributes (XML node FTPresets>). As children the type preset collect has a list of presets.

User Preset

This section has not yet been defined (XML node ).

Supported Protocol Collect

If the device supports several additional protocols, these protocol specific information have to be specified in this section. The supported protocol collect currently does not have any attributes (XML node ). Children of supported protocol collect are specified in table 46.

XML nodeAllowed CountDescription
RDM0 or 1Describes RDM information
Art-Net0 or 1Describes Art-Net information
sACN0 or 1Describes sACN information
KiNET0 or 1Describes KiNET information
PosiStageNet0 or 1Describes PosiStageNet information
OpenSoundControl0 or 1Describes OpenSoundControl information
CITP0 or 1Describes CITP information

Table 46. Supported Protocol Collect Children

RDM Section

If the device supports RDM protocol, this section has to have the corresponding information (XML node ). The currently defined attributes of the RDM are specified in table 47.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
ManufacturerIDHexManufacturer ESTA ID
DeviceModelIDHexUnique device model ID

Table 47. RDM Attributes

As children the FTRDM has list of SoftwareVersionID.


For each supported software version put in an XML node . The currently defined attributes are specified in table 48.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
ValueHexSoftware version ID

Table 48. SoftwareVersionID

As children the SoftwareVersionID has a list of DMXPersonality.


To define the supported software versions, put in an XML node . The currently defined attributes are specified in table 49.

Attribute NameValue TypeDescription
ValueHexHex Value of the DMXPersonality
DMXModeNameLink to the DMX Mode that can be used with this software version.

Table 49. DMXPersonality

Listing 7 shows an example of a supported protocol collect and the corresponding RDM section described in xml.


   <FTRDM ManufacturerID="0x5253" DeviceModelID="0x0000">  
       <SoftwareVersionID Value="0x0" >  
           <DMXPersonality Value="0x0" DMXMode="DMX Mode" />;  
           <DMXPersonality Value="0x1" DMXMode="DMX Mode 2" />;  
       <SoftwareVersionID Value="0x0" />  
           <DMXPersonality Value="0x1" DMXMode="DMX Mode" />;  
           <DMXPersonality Value="0x0" DMXMode="DMX Mode 2" />;  


Listing 7. Supported protocol collect with RDM section

Art-Net Section

This section has not yet been defined (XML node ).

Streaming ACN Section

This section has not yet been defined (XML node ).

KiNET Section

This section has not yet been defined (XML node ).

Posi Stage Net Section

This section has not yet been defined (XML node ).

Open Sound Control Section

This section has not yet been defined (XML node ).

CITP Section

This section has not yet been defined (XML node ).

Appendix A. Attribute Definitions

To describe the fixture types, use attributes. Attributes define the function. (n) and (m) are wildcards for the enumartion of attributes e.g. Gobo(n) - Gobo1 and Gobo2 or VideoEffect(n)Parameter(m) - VideoEffect1Parameter1 and VideoEffect1Parameter2. Attributes without wildcards (n) or (m) are not enumerated. The enumaration starts with 1. The currently defined attributes are specified in table A1.

Controls the intensity of a fixture.Dimmer
Controls the fixture’s sideward movement (horizontal axis).Pan
Controls the fixture’s upward and the downward movement (vertical axis).Tilt
Selects the predefined position effects that are built into the fixture.PositionEffect
Controls the speed of the predefined position effects that are built into the fixture.PositionEffectRate
Snaps or smooth fades with timing in running predefined position effects.PositionEffectFade
Defines a fixture’s x-coordinate within an XYZ coordinate system.XYZ_X
Defines a fixture’s y-coordinate within an XYZ coordinate system.XYZ_Y
Defines a fixture‘s z-coordinate within an XYZ coordinate system.XYZ_Z
The fixture’s gobo wheel (n). This is the main attribute of gobo wheel’s (n) wheel control. Selects gobos in gobo wheel (n). A different channel function sets the angle of the indexed position in the selected gobo or the angular speed of its continuous rotation.Gobo(n)
Selects gobos whose rotation is continuous in gobo wheel (n) and controls the angular speed of the gobo’s spin within the same channel function.Gobo(n)SelectSpin
Selects gobos which shake in gobo wheel (n) and controls the frequency of the gobo’s shake within the same channel function.Gobo(n)SelectShake
Selects gobos which run effects in gobo wheel (n).Gobo(n)SelectEffects
Controls angle of indexed rotation of gobo wheel (n).Gobo(n)WheelIndex
Controls the speed and direction of continuous rotation of gobo wheel (n).Gobo(n)WheelSpin
Controls frequency of the shake of gobo wheel (n).Gobo(n)WheelShake
Controls speed of gobo wheel´s (n) random gobo slot selection.Gobo(n)WheelRandom
Controls audio-controlled functionality of gobo wheel (n).Gobo(n)WheelAudio
Controls angle of indexed rotation of gobos in gobo wheel (n). This is the main attribute of gobo wheel’s (n) wheel slot control.Gobo(n)Pos
Controls the speed and direction of continuous rotation of gobos in gobo wheel (n).Gobo(n)PosRotate
Controls frequency of the shake of gobos in gobo wheel (n).Gobo(n)PosShake
This is the main attribute of the animation wheel’s (n) wheel control. Selects slots in the animation wheel. A different channel function sets the angle of the indexed position in the selected slot or the angular speed of its continuous rotation.AnimationWheel(n)
Controls audio-controlled functionality of animation wheel (n).AnimationWheel(n)Audio
Selects predefined effects in animation wheel (n).AnimationWheel(n)Macro
Controls speed of animation wheel (n) random slot selection.AnimationWheel(n)Random
Selects slots which run effects in animation wheel (n).AnimationWheel(n)SelectEffects
Selects slots which shake in animation wheel and controls the frequency of the slots shake within the same channel function.AnimationWheel(n)SelectShake
Selects slots whose rotation is continuous in animation wheel and controls the angular speed of the slot spin within the same channel functionAnimationWheel(n)SelectSpin
Controls angle of indexed rotation of slots in animation wheel. This is the main attribute of animation wheel (n) wheel slot control.AnimationWheel(n)Pos
Controls the speed and direction of continuous rotation of slots in animation wheel (n).AnimationWheel(n)PosRotate
Controls frequency of the shake of slots in animation wheel (n).AnimationWheel(n)PosShake
Selects predefined color effects built into the fixture.ColorEffects(n)
The fixture’s color wheel (n). Selects colors in color wheel (n). This is the main attribute of color wheel’s (n) wheel control.Color(n)
Controls angle of indexed rotation of color wheel (n)Color(n)WheelIndex
Controls the speed and direction of continuous rotation of color wheel (n).Color(n)WheelSpin
Controls speed of color wheel´s 1 random color slot selection.Color(n)WheelRandom
Controls audio-controlled functionality of color wheel (n).Color(n)WheelAudio
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s red emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_R
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s green emitters for direct additive color mixingColorAdd_G
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s blue emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_B
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s cyan emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_C
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s magenta emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_M
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s yellow emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_Y
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s amber emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_RY
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s lime emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_GY
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s blue-green emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_GC
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s light-blue emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_BC
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s purple emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_BM
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s pink emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_RM
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s white emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_W
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s warm white emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_WW
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s cool white emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_CW
Controls the intensity of the fixture’s UV emitters for direct additive color mixing.ColorAdd_UV
Controls the insertion of the fixture’s red filter flag for direct subtractive color mixing.ColorSub_R
Controls the insertion of the fixture’s green filter flag for direct subtractive color mixing.ColorSub_G
Controls the insertion of the fixture’s blue filter flag for direct subtractive color mixing.ColorSub_B
Controls the insertion of the fixture’s cyan filter flag for direct subtractive color mixing.ColorSub_C
Controls the insertion of the fixture’s magenta filter flag for direct subtractive color mixing.ColorSub_M
Controls the insertion of the fixture’s yellow filter flag for direct subtractive color mixing.ColorSub_Y
Selects predefined colors that are programed in the fixture’s firmware.ColorMacro(n)
Controls the fixture’s “Correct to orange” wheel or mixing system.CTO
Controls the fixture’s “Correct to color” wheel or mixing system.CTC
Controls the fixture’s “Correct to blue” wheel or mixing system.CTB
Controls the fixture’s color attribute regarding the hue.HSB_Hue
Controls the fixture’s color attribute regarding the saturation.HSB_Saturation
Controls the fixture’s color attribute regarding the brightness.HSB_Brightness
Controls the fixture’s color attribute regarding the quality.HSB_Quality
Controls the fixture’s CIE 1931 color attribute regarding the chromaticity x.CIE_X
Controls the fixture’s CIE 1931 color attribute regarding the chromaticity y.CIE_Y
Controls the fixture’s CIE 1931 color attribute regarding the brightness (Y).CIE_Brightness
Controls the fixture’s red attribute for indirect RGB color mixing.ColorRGB_Red
Controls the fixture’s green attribute for indirect RGB color mixing.ColorRGB_Green
Controls the fixture’s blue attribute for indirect RGB color mixing.ColorRGB_Blue
Controls the fixture’s cyan attribute for indirect CMY color mixing.ColorRGB_Cyan
Controls the fixture’s magenta attribute for indirect CMY color mixing.ColorRGB_Magenta
Controls the fixture’s yellow attribute for indirect CMY color mixing.ColorRGB_Yellow
Controls the fixture’s quality attribute for indirect color mixing.ColorRGB_Quality
Controls the length of a strobe flash.StrobeDuration
Controls the time between strobe flashes.StrobeRate
Controls the fixture´s mechanical or electronical shutter feature.Shutter(n)
Controls the frequency/speed of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical strobe shutter feature.Shutter(n)Strobe
Controls the frequency/speed of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical pulse shutter feature.Shutter(n)StrobePulse
Controls the frequency/speed of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical closing pulse shutter feature.Shutter(n)StrobePulseClose
Controls the frequency/speed of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical opening pulse shutter feature.Shutter(n)StrobePulseOpen
Controls the frequency/speed of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical random strobe shutter feature.Shutter(n)StrobeRandom
Controls the frequency/speed of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical random pulse shutter feature.Shutter(n)StrobeRandomPulse
Controls the frequency/speed of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical random closing pulse shutter feature.Shutter(n)StrobeRandomPulseClose
Controls the frequency/speed of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical random opening pulse shutter feature.Shutter(n)StrobeRandomPulseOpen
Controls the frequency/speed of the fixture´s mechanical or electronical shutter effect feature.Shutter(n)StrobeEffect
Controls the diameter of the fixture’s beam.Iris
Sets speed of the iris’s strobe feature.IrisStrobe
Sets speed of the iris’s random movement.IrisStrobeRandom
Sets speed of iris’s closing pulse.IrisPulseClose
Sets speed of iris’s opening pulse.IrisPulseOpen
The ability to soften the fixture’s spot light with a frosted lens.Frost(n)
The fixture’s prism wheel (n). Selects prisms in prism wheel (n). A different channel function sets the angle of the indexed position in the selected prism or the angular speed of its continuous rotation. This is the main attribute of prism wheel’s (n) wheel control.Prism(n)
Selects prisms whose rotation is continuous in prism wheel (n) and controls the angular speed of the prism’s spin within the same channel function.Prism(n)SelectSpin
Macro functions of prism wheel (n).Prism(n)Macro
Controls angle of indexed rotation of prisms in prism wheel (n). This is the main attribute of prism wheel’s 1 wheel slot control.Prism(n)Pos
Controls the speed and direction of continuous rotation of prisms in prism wheel (n).Prism(n)PosRotate
Generically predefined macros and effects of a fixture.Effects(n)
Speed of running effects.Effects(n)Rate
Snapping or smooth look of running effects.Effects(n)Fade
Controls parameter (m) of effect (n)Effects(n)Adjust(m)
Controls angle of indexed rotation of slot/effect in effect wheel/macro (n). This is the main attribute of effect wheel/macro (n) slot/effect control.Effects(n)Pos
Controls speed and direction of slot/effect in effect wheel (n).Effects(n)PosRotate
Sets offset between running effects and effects 2.EffectsSync
Activates fixture’s beam shaper.BeamShaper
Predefined presets for fixture’s beam shaper positions.BeamShaperMacro
Indexing of fixture’s beam shaper.BeamShaperPos
Continuous rotation of fixture’s beam shaper.BeamShaperPosRotate
Controls the spread of the fixture’s beam/spot.Zoom
Selects spot mode of zoom.ZoomModeSpot
Selects beam mode of zoom.ZoomModeBeam
Controls the sharpness of the fixture’s spot light. Can blur or sharpen the edge of the spot.Focus(n)
Autofocuses functionality using presets.Focus(n)Adjust
Autofocuses functionality using distance.Focus(n)Distance
Controls the channel of a fixture.Control(n)
Selects different modes of intensity.DimmerMode
Selects different dimmer curves of the fixture.DimmerCurve
Close the light output under certain conditions (movement correction, gobo movement, etc.).BlackoutMode
Controls LED frequency.LEDFrequency
Changes zones of LEDs.LEDZoneMode
Controls behavior of LED pixels.PixelMode
Selects fixture’s pan mode. Selects between a limited pan range (e.g. -270 to 270) or a continuous pan range.PanMode
Selects fixture’s pan mode. Selects between a limited tilt range (e.g. -130 to 130) or a continuous tilt range.TiltMode
Selects fixture’s pan/tilt mode. Selects between a limited pan/tilt range or a continuous pan/tilt range.PanTiltMode
Selects the fixture’s position mode.PositionModes
Changes control between selecting, indexing, and rotating the gobos of gobo wheel (n).Gobo(n)WheelMode
Changes control between selecting, indexing, and rotating the slots of animation wheel (n).AnimationWheel(n)Mode
Defines whether the animation wheel takes the shortest distance between two positions.AnimationWheelShortcutMode
Changes control between selecting, continuous selection, half selection, random selection, color spinning, etc. in colors of color wheel (n).Color(n)Mode
Defines whether the color wheel takes the shortest distance between two colors.ColorWheelShortcutMode
Controls how Cyan is used within the fixture’s cyan CMY-mixing feature.CyanMode
Controls how Cyan is used within the fixture’s magenta CMY-mixing.MagentaMode
Controls how Cyan is used within the fixture’s yellow CMY-mixing feature.YellowMode
Changes control between selecting continuous selection, half selection, random selection, color spinning, etc. in color mixing.ColorMixMode
Selects chromatic behavior of the device.ChromaticMode
Sets calibration mode (for example on/off).ColorCalibrationMode
Controls consistent behavior of color.ColorConsistency
Controls special color related functions.ColorControl
Controls color model (CMY/RGB/HSV..).ColorModelMode
Resets settings of color control channel.ColorSettingsReset
Controls behavior of color uniformity.ColorUniformity
Controls CRI settings of output.CRIMode
Custom color related functions (save, recall..).CustomColor
Settings for UV stability color behavior.UVStability
Settings for WaveLength corrections of colors.WavelengthCorrection
Controls if White LED is proportionally added to RGB.WhiteCount
Changes strobe style - strobe, pulse, random strobe, etc. - of the shutter attribute.StrobeMode
Changes modes of the fixture´s zoom.ZoomMode
Changes modes of the fixture’s focus - manual or auto- focus.FocusMode
Changes modes of the fixture’s iris - linear, strobe, pulse.IrisMode
Controls fan (n) mode.Fan(n)Mode
Selects follow spot control mode.FollowSpotMode
Changes mode to control either index or rotation of the beam effects.BeamEffectIndexRotateMode
Movement speed of the fixture’s intensity.IntensityMSpeed
Movement speed of the fixture’s pan/tilt.PositionMSpeed
Movement speed of the fixture’s ColorMix presets.ColorMixMSpeed
Movement speed of the fixture’s color wheel.ColorWheelSelectMSpeed
Movement speed of the fixture’s gobo wheel (n).GoboWheel(n)MSpeed
Movement speed of the fixture’s iris.IrisMSpeed
Movement speed of the fixture’s prism wheel (n).Prism(n)MSpeed
Movement speed of the fixture’s focus.FocusMSpeed
Movement speed of the fixture’s frost (n).Frost(n)MSpeed
Movement speed of the fixture’s zoom.ZoomMSpeed
Movement speed of the fixture’s shapers.FrameMSpeed
General speed of fixture’s features.GlobalMSpeed
Movement speed of the fixture’s frost.ReflectorAdjust
Generally resets the entire fixture.FixtureGlobalReset
Resets the fixture’s shutter.ShutterReset
Resets the fixture’s beam features.BeamReset
Resets the fixture’s color mixing system.ColorMixReset
Resets the fixture’s color wheel.ColorWheelReset
Resets the fixture’s focus.FocusReset
Resets the fixture’s shapers.FrameReset
Resets the fixture’s gobo wheel.GoboWheelReset
Resets the fixture’s intensity.IntensityReset
Resets the fixture’s iris.IrisReset
Resets the fixture’s pan/tilt.PositionReset
Resets the fixture’s pan.PanReset
Resets the fixture’s tilt.TiltReset
Resets the fixture’s zoom.ZoomReset
Resets the fixture’s CTB.CTBReset
Resets the fixture’s CTO.CTOReset
Resets the fixture’s CTC.CTCReset
Resets the fixture’s calibration.FixtureCalibrationReset
Generally controls features of the fixture.Function
Controls the fixture’s lamp on/lamp off feature.LampControl
Adjusts intensity of displayDisplayIntensity
Selects DMX InputDMXInput
Ranges without a functionality.NoFeature
Fog or hazer‘s blower feature.Blower(n)
Fog or hazer’s Fan feature.Fan(n)
Fog or hazer’s Fog feature.Fog(n)
Fog or hazer’s haze feature.Haze(n)
Controls the energy consumption of the lamp.LampPowerMode
Fancontrols a fixture or device.Fans
1 of 2 shutters that shape the top/right/bottom/left of the beam.Blade(n)A
2 of 2 shutters that shape the top/right/bottom/left of the beam.Blade(n)B
Rotates position of blade(n).Blade(n)Rot
Rotates position of blade assembly.ShaperRot
Predefined presets for shaper positions.ShaperMacros
Speed of predefined effects on shapers,ShaperMacrosSpeed
Controls video features.Video
Selects the media folder of a device (e.g., a media server).MediaFolder
Selects the content slot of in the selected media folder (e.g. of a media server).MediaContent
Selects the playmode of a device (e.g., a media server).Playmode
Selects dedicated effects which are used for media.VideoEffect(n)Type
Controls parameter (m) of VideoEffect(n)Type.VideoEffect(n)Parameter(m)
Scales the media content or video object along the x-axis.VideoScale(n)_X
Scales the media content or video object along the y-axis.VideoScale(n)_Y
Scales the media content or video object along the z-axis.VideoScale(n)_Z
Scales the media content or video object along all three axes.VideoScale(n)_All
Selects the video camera(n).VideoCamera(n)

Table A1. Structure of Attribute and Subattribute

Appendix B. Attribute Listing

(n) and (m) are wildcards for enumeration of attributes e.g., Gobo(n) - Gobo1 and Gobo2 or VideoEffect(n)Parameter(m) - VideoEffect1Parameter1 and VideoEffect1Parameter2. Attributes without the wildcards (n) or (m) are not enumerated. The enumaration starts with 1.

           <ActivationGroup  Name="PanTilt" />  
           <ActivationGroup  Name="XYZ" />  
           <ActivationGroup  Name="ColorRGB" />  
           <ActivationGroup  Name="ColorHSB" />  
           <ActivationGroup  Name="ColorCIE" />  
           <ActivationGroup  Name="ColorIndirect" />  
           <ActivationGroup  Name="Gobo(n)" />  
           <ActivationGroup  Name="Gobo(n)Pos" />  
           <ActivationGroup  Name="AnimationWheel(n)" />  
           <ActivationGroup  Name="AnimationWheel(n)Pos" />  
           <ActivationGroup  Name="Prism" />  
           <ActivationGroup  Name="BeamShaper" />  
           <ActivationGroup  Name="Shaper" />  
           <FeatureGroup  Name="Dimmer">  
               <Feature  Name="Dimmer" />  
           <FeatureGroup  Name="Position">  
               <Feature  Name="PanTilt" />  
               <Feature  Name="XYZ" />  
           <FeatureGroup  Name="Gobo">  
               <Feature  Name="Gobo" />  
           <FeatureGroup  Name="Color">  
               <Feature  Name="Color" />  
               <Feature  Name="RGB" />  
               <Feature  Name="HSB" />  
               <Feature  Name="CIE" />  
               <Feature  Name="Indirect" />  
           <FeatureGroup  Name="Beam">  
               <Feature  Name="Beam" />  
           <FeatureGroup  Name="Focus">  
               <Feature  Name="Focus" />  
           <FeatureGroup  Name="Control">  
               <Feature  Name="Control" />  
           <FeatureGroup  Name="Shapers">  
               <Feature  Name="Shapers" />  
           <FeatureGroup  Name="Video">  
               <Feature  Name="Video" />  
           <Attribute Name="Dimmer" Pretty="Dim" Feature="Dimmer.Dimmer" PhysicalUnit="LuminousIntensity" />  
           <Attribute Name="Pan" Pretty="P" ActivationGroup="PanTilt" Feature="Position.PanTilt" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />  
           <Attribute Name="Tilt" Pretty="T" ActivationGroup="PanTilt" Feature="Position.PanTilt" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />  
           <Attribute Name="PositionEffect" Pretty="Pos FX" Feature="Position.PanTilt" />  
           <Attribute Name="PositionEffectRate" Pretty="Pos FX Rate" Feature="Position.PanTilt" />  
           <Attribute Name="PositionEffectFade" Pretty="Pos FX Fade" Feature="Position.PanTilt" />  
           <Attribute Name="XYZ_X" Pretty="X" ActivationGroup="XYZ" Feature="Position.XYZ" PhysicalUnit="Length" />  
           <Attribute Name="XYZ_Y" Pretty="Y" ActivationGroup="XYZ" Feature="Position.XYZ" PhysicalUnit="Length" />  
           <Attribute Name="XYZ_Z" Pretty="Z" ActivationGroup="XYZ" Feature="Position.XYZ" PhysicalUnit="Length" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)" Pretty="G(n)" ActivationGroup="Gobo(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)SelectSpin" Pretty="Select Spin" MainAttribute="Gobo(n)" ActivationGroup="Gobo(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="AngularSpeed" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)SelectShake" Pretty="Select Shake" MainAttribute="Gobo(n)" ActivationGroup="Gobo(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)SelectEffects" Pretty="Select Effects" MainAttribute="Gobo(n)" ActivationGroup="Gobo(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)WheelIndex" Pretty="Wheel Index" MainAttribute="Gobo(n)" ActivationGroup="Gobo(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)WheelSpin" Pretty="Wheel Spin" MainAttribute="Gobo(n)" ActivationGroup="Gobo(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="AngularSpeed" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)WheelShake" Pretty="Wheel Shake" MainAttribute="Gobo(n)" ActivationGroup="Gobo(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)WheelRandom" Pretty="Wheel Random" MainAttribute="Gobo(n)" ActivationGroup="Gobo(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)WheelAudio" Pretty="Wheel Audio" MainAttribute="Gobo(n)" ActivationGroup="Gobo(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)Pos" Pretty="G(n) &lt;&gt;" ActivationGroup="Gobo(n)Pos" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)PosRotate" Pretty="Rotate" MainAttribute="Gobo(n)Pos" ActivationGroup="Gobo(n)Pos" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="AngularSpeed" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)PosShake" Pretty="Shake" MainAttribute="Gobo(n)Pos" ActivationGroup="Gobo(n)Pos" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="AnimationWheel(n)" ActivationGroup="AnimationWheel(n)" Pretty="Anim(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" />  
           <Attribute Name="AnimationWheel(n)Audio" ActivationGroup="AnimationWheel(n)" MainAttribute="AnimationWheel(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" Pretty="Anim Audio" />  
           <Attribute Name="AnimationWheel(n)Macro" ActivationGroup="AnimationWheel(n)" MainAttribute="AnimationWheel(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" Pretty="Anim FX" />  
           <Attribute Name="AnimationWheel(n)Random" ActivationGroup="AnimationWheel(n)" MainAttribute="AnimationWheel(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" Pretty="Anim Random" />  
           <Attribute Name="AnimationWheel(n)SelectEffects" ActivationGroup="AnimationWheel(n)" MainAttribute="AnimationWheel(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" Pretty="Anim Select FX" />  
           <Attribute Name="AnimationWheel(n)SelectShake" ActivationGroup="AnimationWheel(n)" MainAttribute="AnimationWheel(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" Pretty="Anim Select Shake" />  
           <Attribute Name="AnimationWheel(n)SelectSpin" ActivationGroup="AnimationWheel(n)" MainAttribute="AnimationWheel(n)" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="AngularSpeed" Pretty="Anim Select Spin" />  
           <Attribute Name="AnimationWheel(n)Pos" ActivationGroup="AnimationWheel(n)Pos" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="Angle" Pretty="Anim Pos" />  
           <Attribute Name="AnimationWheel(n)PosRotate" ActivationGroup="AnimationWheel(n)Pos" MainAttribute="AnimationWheel(n)Pos" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="AngularSpeed" Pretty="Anim Rotate" />  
           <Attribute Name="AnimationWheel(n)PosShake" ActivationGroup="AnimationWheel(n)Pos" MainAttribute="AnimationWheel(n)Pos" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" Pretty="Anim Shake" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorEffects(n)" Pretty="Color FX(n)" Feature="Color.Color" />  
           <Attribute Name="Color(n)" Pretty="C(n)" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.Color" />  
           <Attribute Name="Color(n)WheelIndex" Pretty="Wheel Index" MainAttribute="Color(n)" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.Color" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />  
           <Attribute Name="Color(n)WheelSpin" Pretty="Wheel Spin" MainAttribute="Color(n)" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.Color" PhysicalUnit="AngularSpeed" />  
           <Attribute Name="Color(n)WheelRandom" Pretty="Wheel Random" MainAttribute="Color(n)" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.Color" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Color(n)WheelAudio" Pretty="Wheel Audio" MainAttribute="Color(n)" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.Color" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_R" Pretty="R" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.64,0.33,21.3" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_G" Pretty="G" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.3,0.6,71.5" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_B" Pretty="B" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.15,0.06,7.2" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_C" Pretty="C" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.225,0.329,78.7" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_M" Pretty="M" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.321,0.154,28.5" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_Y" Pretty="Y" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.419,0.505,92.8" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_RY" Pretty="Amber" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.477,0.460,57.0" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_GY" Pretty="Lime" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.372,0.543,82.1" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_GC" Pretty="Blue-Green" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.250,0.419,75.1" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_BC" Pretty="Light-Blue " ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.200,0.239,43.0" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_BM" Pretty="Purple" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.254,0.117,17.9" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_RM" Pretty="Pink" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.403,0.200,24.9" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_W" Pretty="White" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.313,0.329,100.0" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_WW" Pretty="WW" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.319,0.340,99.3" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_CW" Pretty="CW" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.306,0.329,97.9" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorAdd_UV" Pretty="UV" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.176,0.005,0.6"/>  
           <Attribute Name="ColorSub_R" Pretty="R" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.64,0.33,21.3" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorSub_G" Pretty="G" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.3,0.6,71.5" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorSub_B" Pretty="B" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.15,0.06,7.2" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorSub_C" Pretty="C" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.225,0.329,78.7" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorSub_M" Pretty="M" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.321,0.154,28.5" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorSub_Y" Pretty="Y" ActivationGroup="ColorRGB" Feature="Color.RGB" PhysicalUnit="ColorComponent" Color="0.419,0.505,92.8" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorMacro(n)" Pretty="Color Macro(n)" Feature="Color.RGB" />  
           <Attribute Name="CTO" Pretty="CTO" Feature="Color.Color" />  
           <Attribute Name="CTC" Pretty="CTC" Feature="Color.Color" />  
           <Attribute Name="CTB" Pretty="CTB" Feature="Color.Color" />  
           <Attribute Name="HSB_Hue" Pretty="H" ActivationGroup="ColorHSB" Feature="Color.HSB" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />  
           <Attribute Name="HSB_Saturation" Pretty="S" ActivationGroup="ColorHSB" Feature="Color.HSB" PhysicalUnit="Percent" />  
           <Attribute Name="HSB_Brightness" Pretty="B" ActivationGroup="ColorHSB" Feature="Color.HSB" PhysicalUnit="Percent" />  
           <Attribute Name="HSB_Quality" Pretty="Q" ActivationGroup="ColorHSB" Feature="Color.HSB" PhysicalUnit="Percent" />  
           <Attribute Name="CIE_X" Pretty="X" ActivationGroup="ColorCIE" Feature="Color.CIE" />  
           <Attribute Name="CIE_Y" Pretty="Y" ActivationGroup="ColorCIE" Feature="Color.CIE" />  
           <Attribute Name="CIE_Brightness" Pretty="B" ActivationGroup="ColorCIE" Feature="Color.CIE" PhysicalUnit="Percent" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorRGB_Red" Pretty="R" ActivationGroup="ColorIndirect" Feature="Color.Indirect" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorRGB_Green" Pretty="G" ActivationGroup="ColorIndirect" Feature="Color.Indirect" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorRGB_Blue" Pretty="B" ActivationGroup="ColorIndirect" Feature="Color.Indirect" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorRGB_Cyan" Pretty="C" ActivationGroup="ColorIndirect" Feature="Color.Indirect" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorRGB_Magenta" Pretty="M" ActivationGroup="ColorIndirect" Feature="Color.Indirect" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorRGB_Yellow" Pretty="Y" ActivationGroup="ColorIndirect" Feature="Color.Indirect" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorRGB_Quality" Pretty="Q" ActivationGroup="ColorIndirect" Feature="Color.Indirect" />  
           <Attribute Name="StrobeDuration" Pretty="Strobe Duration" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Time" />  
           <Attribute Name="StrobeRate" Pretty="Strobe Rate" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="Shutter(n)" Pretty="Sh(n)" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="Shutter(n)Strobe" Pretty="Strobe(n)" MainAttribute="Shutter(n)" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Shutter(n)StrobePulse" Pretty="Pulse(n)" MainAttribute="Shutter(n)" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Shutter(n)StrobePulseClose" Pretty="Pulse Close(n)" MainAttribute="Shutter(n)" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Shutter(n)StrobePulseOpen" Pretty="Pulse Open(n)" MainAttribute="Shutter(n)" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Shutter(n)StrobeRandom" Pretty="Random(n)" MainAttribute="Shutter(n)" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Shutter(n)StrobeRandomPulse" Pretty="Random Pulse(n)" MainAttribute="Shutter(n)" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Shutter(n)StrobeRandomPulseClose" Pretty="Random Pulse Close(n)" MainAttribute="Shutter(n)" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Shutter(n)StrobeRandomPulseOpen" Pretty="Random Pulse Open(n)" MainAttribute="Shutter(n)" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Shutter(n)StrobeEffect" Pretty="Effect(n)" MainAttribute="Shutter(n)" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Iris" Pretty="Iris" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="IrisStrobe" Pretty="Strobe" MainAttribute="Iris" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="IrisStrobeRandom" Pretty="Random Strobe" MainAttribute="Iris" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="IrisPulseClose" Pretty="Pulse Close" MainAttribute="Iris" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="IrisPulseOpen" Pretty="Pulse Open" MainAttribute="Iris" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Frequency" />  
           <Attribute Name="Frost(n)" Pretty="Frost(n)" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="Prism(n)" Pretty="Prism(n)" ActivationGroup="Prism" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="Prism(n)SelectSpin" Pretty="Select Spin(n)" MainAttribute="Prism(n)" ActivationGroup="Prism" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="AngularSpeed" />  
           <Attribute Name="Prism(n)Macro" Pretty="Prism(n) Macro" MainAttribute="Prism(n)" ActivationGroup="Prism" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="Prism(n)Pos" Pretty="Prism(n) Pos" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />  
           <Attribute Name="Prism(n)PosRotate" Pretty="Rotate(n)" MainAttribute="Prism(n)Pos" ActivationGroup="Prism" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="AngularSpeed" />  
           <Attribute Name="Effects(n)" Pretty="FX(n)" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="Effects(n)Rate" Pretty="FX(n) Rate" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Speed" />  
           <Attribute Name="Effects(n)Fade" Pretty="FX(n) Fade" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="Effects(n)Adjust(m)" Pretty="FX(n) Adjust(m)" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="Effects(n)Pos" Pretty="FX(n) Pos" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />  
           <Attribute Name="Effects(n)PosRotate" Pretty="FX(n) Rotate" MainAttribute="Effects(n)Pos" Feature="Beam.Beam" PhysicalUnit="AngularSpeed" />              
           <Attribute Name="EffectsSync" Pretty="FX Sync" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="BeamShaper" Pretty="Beam Shaper" ActivationGroup="BeamShaper" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="BeamShaperMacro" Pretty="Beam Shaper Macro" ActivationGroup="BeamShaper" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="BeamShaperPos" Pretty="Beam Shaper &lt;&gt;" ActivationGroup="BeamShaper" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="BeamShaperPosRotate" Pretty="Beam Shaper Rotate" ActivationGroup="BeamShaper" Feature="Beam.Beam" />  
           <Attribute Name="Zoom" Pretty="Zoom" Feature="Focus.Focus" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />  
           <Attribute Name="ZoomModeSpot" Pretty="Zoom Spot" Feature="Focus.Focus" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />  
           <Attribute Name="ZoomModeBeam" Pretty="Zoom Beam" Feature="Focus.Focus" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />          
           <Attribute Name="Focus(n)" Pretty="Focus(n)" Feature="Focus.Focus" />  
           <Attribute Name="Focus(n)Adjust" Pretty="Focus(n) Adjust" Feature="Focus.Focus" />  
           <Attribute Name="Focus(n)Distance" Pretty="Focus(n) Distance" Feature="Focus.Focus" PhysicalUnit="Length" />  
           <Attribute Name="Control(n)" Pretty="Ctrl(n)" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="DimmerMode" Pretty="Dim Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="DimmerCurve" Pretty="Dim Curve" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="BlackoutMode" Pretty="Blackout Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="LEDFrequency" Pretty="LED Frequency" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="LEDZoneMode" Pretty="LED Zone Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="PixelMode" Pretty="Pixel Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="PanMode" Pretty="Pan Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="TiltMode" Pretty="Tilt Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="PanTiltMode" Pretty="PanTilt Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="PositionModes" Pretty="Pos Modes" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="Gobo(n)WheelMode" Pretty="G(n) Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="AnimationWheel(n)Mode" Feature="Control.Control" Pretty="Anim Mode" />  
           <Attribute Name="AnimationWheelShortcutMode" Pretty="Anim Shortcut Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="Color(n)Mode" Pretty="C(n) Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorWheelShortcutMode" Pretty="Color Wheel Shortcut Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="CyanMode" Pretty="Cyan Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="MagentaMode" Pretty="Magenta Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="YellowMode" Pretty="Yellow Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorMixMode" Pretty="Color Mix Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ChromaticMode" Pretty="Chroma Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorCalibrationMode" Pretty="CCalib Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorConsistency" Pretty="Color consistency" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorControl" Pretty="Color Ctrl" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorModelMode" Pretty="ColorModel" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorSettingsReset" Pretty="Color Ctrl Rst" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorUniformity" Pretty="ColorUniform" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="CRIMode" Pretty="CRI Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="CustomColor" Pretty="Custom Color" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="UVStability" Pretty="UV Stab" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="WavelengthCorrection" Pretty="WaveLength" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="WhiteCount" Pretty="White Count" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="StrobeMode" Pretty="Strobe Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ZoomMode" Pretty="Zoom Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="FocusMode" Pretty="Focus Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="IrisMode" Pretty="Iris Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="FanMode" Pretty="Fan Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="FollowSpotMode" Pretty="FollowSpot Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="BeamEffectIndexRotateMode" Pretty="Beam Effect Index Rotate Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="IntensityMSpeed" Pretty="Intensity MSpeed" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="PositionMSpeed" Pretty="Pos MSpeed" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorMixMSpeed" Pretty="Color Mix MSpeed" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorWheelSelectMSpeed" Pretty="Color Wheel Select MSpeed" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="GoboWheel(n)MSpeed" Pretty="Gobo Wheel(n) MSpeed" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="IrisMSpeed" Pretty="Iris MSpeed" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="Prism(n)MSpeed" Pretty="Prism(n) MSpeed" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="FocusMSpeed" Pretty="Focus MSpeed" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="Frost(n)MSpeed" Pretty="Frost(n) MSpeed" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ZoomMSpeed" Pretty="Zoom MSpeed" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="FrameMSpeed" Pretty="Frame MSpeed" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="GlobalMSpeed" Pretty="Global MSpeed" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ReflectorAdjust"  Pretty="Reflector Adj" Feature="Control.Control" /> />  
           <Attribute Name="FixtureGlobalReset" Pretty="Fixture Global Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ShutterReset" Pretty="Shutter Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="BeamReset" Pretty="Beam Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorMixReset" Pretty="Color Mix Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ColorWheelReset" Pretty="Color Wheel Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="FocusReset" Pretty="Focus Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="FrameReset" Pretty="Frame Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="GoboWheelReset" Pretty="G Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="IntensityReset" Pretty="Intensity Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="IrisReset" Pretty="Iris Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="PositionReset" Pretty="Pos Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="PanReset" Pretty="Pan Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="TiltReset" Pretty="Tilt Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="ZoomReset" Pretty="Zoom Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="CTBReset" Pretty="CTB Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="CTOReset" Pretty="CTO Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="CTCReset" Pretty="CTC Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="FixtureCalibrationReset" Pretty="Fixture Calibration Reset" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="Function" Pretty="Function" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="LampControl" Pretty="Lamp Ctrl" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="DisplayIntensity" Pretty="Display Int" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="DMXInput" Pretty="DMX Input" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="NoFeature" Pretty="NoFeature" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="Dummy" Pretty="Dummy" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="Blower(n)" Pretty="Blower(n)" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="Fan(n)" Pretty="Fan(n)" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="Fog(n)" Pretty="Fog(n)" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="Haze(n)" Pretty="Haze(n)" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="LampPowerMode" Pretty="Lamp Power Mode" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="Fans" Pretty="Fans" Feature="Control.Control" />  
           <Attribute Name="Blade(n)A" Pretty="Blade(n)A" ActivationGroup="Shaper" Feature="Shapers.Shapers" />  
           <Attribute Name="Blade(n)B" Pretty="Blade(n)B" ActivationGroup="Shaper" Feature="Shapers.Shapers" />  
           <Attribute Name="Blade(n)Rot" Pretty="Blade(n) Rot" ActivationGroup="Shaper" Feature="Shapers.Shapers" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />  
           <Attribute Name="ShaperRot" Pretty="Shaper Rot" ActivationGroup="Shaper" Feature="Shapers.Shapers" PhysicalUnit="Angle" />  
           <Attribute Name="ShaperMacros" Pretty="Shaper Macros" Feature="Shapers.Shapers" />  
           <Attribute Name="ShaperMacrosSpeed" Pretty="Shaper Macros Speed" Feature="Shapers.Shapers" />  
           <Attribute Name="Video" Pretty="Video" Feature="Video.Video" />  
           <Attribute Name="MediaFolder" Pretty="Media Folder" Feature="Video.Video" />  
           <Attribute Name="MediaContent" Pretty="Media Content" Feature="Video.Video" />  
           <Attribute Name="Playmode" Pretty="Playmode" Feature="Video.Video" />  
           <Attribute Name="VideoEffect(n)Type" Pretty="Video Effect(n) Type" Feature="Video.Video" />  
           <Attribute Name="VideoEffect(n)Parameter(m)" Pretty="Video Effect(n) Parameter(m)" Feature="Video.Video" />  
           <Attribute Name="VideoScale(n)_X" Pretty="Video Scale(n) X" Feature="Video.Video" />  
           <Attribute Name="VideoScale(n)_Y" Pretty="Video Scale(n) Y" Feature="Video.Video" />  
           <Attribute Name="VideoScale(n)_Z" Pretty="Video Scale(n) Z" Feature="Video.Video" />  
           <Attribute Name="VideoScale(n)_All" Pretty="Video Scale(n) All" Feature="Video.Video" />  
           <Attribute Name="VideoCamera(n)" Pretty="Video Camera(n)" Feature="Video.Video" />  

Example for enumeration:

   <Attribute Name="Gobo1" Pretty="G1" ActivationGroup="Gobo1" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" />  
   <Attribute Name="Gobo2" Pretty="G2" ActivationGroup="Gobo2" Feature="Gobo.Gobo" />

Appendix C. Name character table

Names are UTF-8 literals. In the first 128 characters only use characters listed below. All characters above 127 are available.

Unicode code pointCharacterUTF-8 (dec.)Name
U+0031149DIGIT ONE
U+0032250DIGIT TWO
U+0036654DIGIT SIX

Table C1. UTF-8 table